Sophie, a small pet, but a big part of our family

Sep 21, 2009 08:49

I’m sorry to state that in my absence from the blogging world, My family lost our other pet, Sophie. Unlike Dotty, Sophie left us suddenly. She was behaving youthfully, as she always did, following my father around, begging for food (much like a dog), and rolling around on the ground wanting her tummy to be rubbed.

It wasn’t until last Monday that she began acting as if she was sick. She was just lying around, rather than running around, but it wasn’t much different of behavior from othertimes she was sick. The next couple of days, she stopped eating, and later stopped going to the bathroom. My parents took her into the vet, where the vet felt her up and down and didn’t feel anything major. They assumed she had the flu and had planned to keep her overnight to hydrate her intermittenly through IV’s. However, not too long after that diagnosis, did the X-Rays come in. It turns out that Sophie had a large mass, the size of a softball, inside her rib cage, pushing on her heart and lungs. Her breathing was labored, and she was unable to eat. Either she would have died of suffucation or starvation. My parents made the very difficult decision to put her out of her pain, and send her to Dotty.

Sophie loved my father. She could sit for hours just staring at him, following him around the house, and laying with him, and never get sick of him! He loved her just the same. My father was with her when she passed, just as she would have wanted. Sophies passing was a surprise to us all, but I am greatful that she wasn’t in pain for a long time. (At least if she was, she didn’t let us know).

She will always be remembered for her loving personality, and her curious ways, (even if she was always a little bit of a scardy-cat). My family had a great time with both of our pets, who will forever have a place in our hearts.

R.I.P. Sophie

r.i.p., mass, sophie, death of pets, breathing, cats

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