Wow, a post!

Jun 15, 2008 02:06

So I haven't posted in 2 months, and honestly, I'm sorry to say that I've pretty much stopped paying attention to livejournal. Life has been super busy as of lately, but in a good way, so time to give you all a healthy dose of updates.

School: Classes continue to trudge on this summer. I'm taking 7 credits per summer session so it's a pretty healthy load. I'm really hoping to do well so I can raise my GPA so I can have a chance at getting into grad school. I'm not sure how things will turn out, but so far I enjoy my pragmatics class a lot. It's really awesome. I found out I got into the student affairs fellowship program, which I am so psyched for. Having that may mean the difference between grad school and no grad school for me. I was more excited getting into that than when I got into MSU.

Work: Life as a mentor is great. Every day I just realize I love my staff more and more. Even my bosses are cool. I know right now it's the summer and we're all seperated, but I just can't wait for that day when we're all back together. They really are just another branch of my family :-). Life as an office assistant for the summer complex director is interesting. She's never around, and her office has AC, so it's pretty posh. She does have some weird expectations sometimes though. I'll be pretty glad to go back to working for Nitin & Tami again in the fall.

Activism: I've passed the Torch on for RING. It's time I gave someone else a turn and lightened my own load a bit. Unfortunately, now I'm working more and more with the Campus Planning Committee and also with the Michigan Campus Alliance. I'm really excited because we're going to be hosting a leadership summit for queer college group leaders from acorss michigan in november. I just can't keep away from it all ;-)

Family: Everything's going great with my family. Patrick and I are living together and we couldn't be more happy together in our modest abode. It's nice to finally have a bed larger than a twin. Hehe. It'll be hard moving back into seperate rooms in the fall, but we'll make do. My sister's wedding is looming closer and closer (august 23rd) and if you haven't heard, Patrick will be making his grand entrance to the extended family there as well. It will definitely keep things interesting... that's for sure. I've started coming out to some of my family beforehand, but I haven't really had a chance to talk about it much to anyone. Other than that, everything is going really well.

Home: Like I said, Patrick and I are now living together (in sin I might add, lol) in a quaint little one bedroom apartment. It's 2 blocks north of MSU's Campus, it has air conditioning, and just enough space for us to be comfortable. Unfortunately, we don't have any cable or internet there at all, so I have to do all of my computing while I'm at work or class. It's also nice not living in the dorms for a change. Patrick and I have been cooking a lot and loving it, although it would be nice to have a dishwasher for all those dirty dishes every day.

Future Plans: I go back to being a mentor and OA in the fall, and the rest of my school year is just ALL elective courses. It'll be nice to try and take things easy I guess. I'm starting to research grad schools for their studen affairs program even now because I have to start applying around october. I should hear back from some places in the spring and supposedly, I graduate in may 2009 (crazy how that's less than a year away). It's all coming up so fast, but I know I'll be able to keep to the track.

Final Note: I know I'm not really on livejournal anymore, but seriously, if you want to talk to me, please get ahold of me by AIM, facebook, phone, or e-mail. It would be great to catch up with some of you again. :-) Please, don't be shy now!
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