Spartacus Meme Drabbles.

Apr 15, 2012 16:03

Originally posted by selonbrody at Spartacus Meme Drabbles.
I've had severe writer's block the past few days, so I finally threw in the towel and decided it was time to pull out my old standby for this kind of situation.

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do five of these, then post them.

Title: Let Me Be Free
Characters: Mira
Song: If You Want Me - Marketa Irglòva
Time: 4:46

This is what she remembers at the end, names and faces flowing as easily as the blood that gushes from her chest.

A man robed in silks peering at her from beautiful almond eyes, tickling her as she passed. A woman - mother - who wore a leather strap around her neck but held the ear of the silk-robed man, who kissed her face and told her of Brigantia’s blessings.

Their lifeless faces drowned in her favorite purple.

A thousand names and faces more, coin exchanged between rough hands and a leather collar exchanged for metal. Naravas, the dominus who made her a woman, and Lysandra with her copper hair.

The faces she never had names to put to.

The smell of blood and sand when she first stepped foot within the villa, the smell of oil and seed, and the things she did to survive.

Naevia and Samara and Pietros. Batiatus and Lucretia. The men who fought in the ludus yard below, Crixus and Barca and Rhaskos. Spartacus, the bringer of rain, whose heart belonged to the ghost of a woman, never to love again.

This is what she understands at the end, his name the last upon her lips, his face the last before her darkening eyes.

Title: Of Better Pastures
Characters: Spartacus, Sura
Song: Let You Break - William Fitzsimmons & Julia Stone
Time: 3:23

He sees her again two days later, sitting at her grandmother’s stall in the village market, a half-finished wreath of herbs upon her lap, her slender fingers deftly weaving vines in secure twists.

“I have heard your medicinal skills spoken of with much renown,” he says.

She - Sura, Sura - looks up at his approach, and he knows the grin upon her face holds the ability to drive him mad beyond help. She says nothing for a long moment, and he stands helpless before her, feeling much as a clumsy horse.

“You seek remedy?” finally asks Sura with the knowing smile.

“I do,” he replies, assuming the most somber of expressions, “to most grave injury, inflicted two moons past.”

Title: Just Living People
Characters: Pietros, Barca
Song: Maybe Not - Cat Power
Time: 4:12

“Freedom,” Pietros says that night, unexpectedly, and nothing follows.

“What of it?” Barca prompts, pulling him atop his chest.

Pietros settles his elbows on either side of the larger man’s head and looks down, brow furrowed, and at the deep contemplation in his expression, Barca can’t help it - he laughs.

“Stop that,” he says, though he is laughing, too, and presses a kiss to Barca’s forehead. “It’s just - freedom. With Theokoles defeated, it is within our grasp. But what would we do with it?”

For a moment Barca says nothing. He runs his hands along the muscled curve of Pietros’ back, pulling him down to erase what infinitesimal space remains between their chests. Pietros tucks his head beneath his chin, gathers one of Barca’s hands in his, laces their fingers together.

Then the answer comes.

“Whatever we want.”

Title: We Feed the Sea
Characters: Gannicus, Marcia, Mira
Song: River - Bell
Time: 3:13

“You return triumphant,” Gannicus laughs, lifting her in his arms, uncaring of the bow and game she is forced to drop to the ground in response. Marcia, too, shows little concern, throwing her hair back as she smiles at him, cups his chin in her small fingers and briefly claims his lips.

“Marcia,” says Mira, interrupting them pointedly, taking the abandoned birds in hand along with her own, “shows considerable promise with the bow. I fear one day the student may surpass the master.”

“Of that I have no doubt,” he grins.

Marcia, still borne in his arms, wraps hers around his neck and says, “Mira flatters.”

The Briton woman rolls her eyes and carries on. Gannicus sets her upon the ground once more and, broad arm securely settled around narrow shoulder, they make their way into the temple.

“When I first had thoughts towards Spartacus’ cause, I had not thought to take up arms myself,” Marcia tells him. “I confess myself now enamored.”

Briefly, Gannicus wonders when Marcia’s enthusiasm began to curtail his own disdain, and quickly decides that her growing abilities to fight alongside him are more important than either.

Title: A Place to Stand
Characters: Nasir, Agron
Song: She Is - The Fray
Time: 3:56

When Nasir makes to move from the bed they have created within the makeshift home of the temple, Agron - still half-asleep, arms secured around his midsection - hangs onto him all the more tightly, mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like, “No,” and slings a leg over his own for good measure.

Nasir laughs, and concedes to inevitability. Agron stands head and shoulders above him, with strength enough to match. Struggle at this point is futile.

Agron is a peculiar breath of fresh air, not only in the fact that he is the first with whom Nasir has willingly fallen to bed. True, the touch of Agron’s hands upon his cheek is met with a shudder of pleasure rather than revulsion. True, the marks left upon him in the morning are evidence of mischief rather than abuse.

But the difference is, he has long-since taught himself that he does not need an Agron in his life. Self-reliance was a lesson learned early and learned well, and the thought of placing confidence in any but himself was downright ignorant.

His grip constricts all the more, and Nasir runs his fingers languorously through his hair, damp from sweat. Perhaps Tiberius would not have needed Agron in his life. Perhaps Nasir does not, either. But that does not stop Nasir from reveling in the luxury.

Fantastic idea, sharing for further reference 


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