On Počasi

Mar 24, 2007 13:53

On the TV5 Météo website, which I check religiously in order to prepare myself for the worst/best, it says that today in the world the maximum temperature is 60℃in a place called Sabine Pass in Texas, USA, and that the minimum temperature is -39℃ at the charmingly named Deadhorse Airport in, funnily enough, Deadhorse, USA.

Now, I don't know about you, but when reading this I had 2 immediate reactions.

*1, was that I highly doubt that it is 60℃ in Sabine Pass. Ok, it's Texas, and Texas is a haaawt kinda place, but it's also winter. Winter, people. Also, the nearest city to Sabine Pass, a place called Port Arthur, is experiencing 20℃ today and I do find it slightly difficult to believe that there is a 40℃ difference within a 24km distance ...TV5 are obviously big fat liars.

*2, was that it comes of no suprise to me that a place called Deadhorse is treated to the lowest temperature in the world today. They deserve it. No one calls a place Deadhorse and gets away with it. The Gods are bound to get angry one day.

EDIT! I was just having a look at some info on Deadhorse, everyone's favourite Alaskan town, and was gobsmacked to see that the longest night on record was 54 days, 22 hours and 51 minutes, and that people actually live in this woeful excuse for a place. WHY? (Ok, I'll admit that the population is actually only estimated at 26, and the number of families is limited to 2...but still, that's 26 more than there should be.)
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