It's such a peculiar feeling to be living-breathing-working-playing in a place where the language barriers won't allow you to just drift along comfortably. This is a new sensation for me. Really new
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Vydrž! Je skvělý, že tě to baví! Za to máš můj obdiv a respekt: jsem na tom v Německu dost podobně, ale na rozdíl od tebe toho mám PLNÝ ZUBY! (czech idiomatic expressions 1.0) Takže... hodně štěstí a odvahy! O.
ne, nemam. can you send it to my by email? I don't think posting it on my blog is a great idea, who knows what kind of weirdos read this thing and might call you or send you dodgy text messages!
Ty jsi povzbudiva holka :)
I'll be in Prague over the the weekend, do you have my CZ number?
I do:-) A ještě ke všemu v Čechách, takže pozor...
Anyway, taky přeju, ať se ti v Praze líbí!
your czech is like a rose in the mouth of a beast, kate. Never forget That.
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