Answer: The majority of Australian senators.
(A.C.T. = Australian Capital Territory = Kate's state =
Yesterday the Australian Governer General signed a regulation allowing the federal government to ban an A.C.T. civil unions legislation, which would have been a brave and JUST step forward, and would have shown that the state governments in Australia still have a vague semblance of autonomy.
The Senate then voted to reverse the government's ban...32 senators voted against, 30 voted for. Thus the ban was upheld. No A.C.T. civil unions act.
Weak. Pathetic. Revolting.
I very rarely feel embarrassed of where I come from...but sometimes I just can't avoid it.
Damn the man. Seriously.
Despite the final result, congratulations to Gary Humphries for having the intelligence and the guts to cross the Senate floor. He was the first Liberal senator to vote against his government in 10 years. About bloody time.
A.C.T. Attorney-General Simon Corbell has lashed out at the Senate decision to reject a move to overturn the federal ban on civil union laws, describing it as homophobic. "I am disappointed by the decision, but not surprised,'' Mr Corbell said. "It is a homophobic decision.'' (taken from today's Sydney Morning Herald)