Summer Recap

Jun 13, 2007 17:24

The new season is going well.
Exams came out alright... my grade could have been better but i guess thats what happens when you start to not give a fuck.

Industrial Psych - A
Woman Writers - B
Wonders of Technology - C
Experimental Methods - C

I went to New York with Gil. And had a great time. He proved to be a really great friend.
Im glad hes doing so well up there. I wish I had as much drive as him.

I got to hang out with Mikey and Claire that was a lot of fun. I need to do that again asap. Mikey is going to leave me way to soon.

I went to see Nhu in northern Virginia. I wish I could go up there more. It really seems like shes not having much fun up there. I know I couldnt stand to spend a whole summer at home.
But while we were there we went to DC and i got really down on myself about the future. That happens almost every time i go to a big city. I dont know what it is.
We came back though and had a really great time just watching movies so that got my mind off things. We also saw the faint while i was up and that was cool. I felt bad John couldnt be with us so when he told me he was going to the norfolk show in a few days i offererd to drive down and go with him and that proved to be one of my best decisions.

I drove home and on the way called Sarah since it had been forever since I'd talk to her and she said she was going to the faint too so me and John met up with her and Dustin. It was great to see her and just laugh at the same things we always use to laugh at (mostly me being an asshole). Then the show started and I saw Mary so i texted her and she came over and we all had a great time. I really felt like the luckiest person in the world that night.

Sarah and Mary had to leave but John and I met up with Gabby and went to the blue plate where i randomly saw old camp friends which was amazing.

Then the next day Me, Mary, John and Gabby went to the wave. Well some of us did. Gabby pre gamed a little to hard so i ended up taking her back early but everyone else had fun ha.
That weekend I realized John is pretty amazing. Hes been added to my list of friends that I know i can take anywhere and they will have a good time. EVERYONE LOVED THAT KID. I really think those kind of people are amazing they just go with the flow and you dont have to worry about making sure theyre comfortable and having a good time. Theyre just low matainance and a lot of fun.

The next day Gabby and I went to Myrtle Beach with the fam. It was alright. My parents have a timeshare so we were in this really quiet part of town and there wasnt much to do. It was mostly old people and families around. But it was good to go to the beach and see my sister and everyone loved Gabby so that was cool.

Now im just trying to chill out and make some money. I am way broke and only have a 7 dollar check coming in because of all the time i took off to hang out with out of towners. But whatever, it was fun.
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