Nov 07, 2005 22:20
i'm in a pretty good mood right now, my weekend was prety cool. some moments wre awesome :-) i went to the arcades with mike and we only had like 20 p between us and lost it all straight away so went around lokoing for 2ps people had left in machines, and it actually worked! we found more...but lost them all. tee hee oh well, i have a big pot of 2 ps in my room which i'm guna take with me next time mwoihahaha.
i also went to canterbury, which was quite good, but kinda crap because i didn't have any money. And i got my etnies (skate shoes with the funky chequered laces) dirty walking through westagte gaerdens. but i guess it was worth it.
there was a crazy lady on the train the other day. she was funny. she kept singing and talking to herself and taking her shoes off and stuff. MENTAL CASE HAHA. & the day after when i went to canterbury there more crazy people on that train too. i swear ramsgate's full of em LOL.
planning to go stay in a hotel soon, even though the kool ones in cantebrury are really expensive! (we went and asked) we said we'd save up, go stay one weekend and go shopping too, so gotta save up for a couple months :-). but at least its something to look forward to :-D