i stole it from ruth who stole it from nicola :-p

Jul 04, 2005 17:07


* Known as: Emma, Em, Emz?
* Lives in: Rainham
* First breath: a long time ago, i dont think i remember it
* School: Chatham grammar sixth form
* Hair color: dark ginger/aubern
* Eye color: green-brown
* Hairstyle: long, a bit layered n feathered bt theyre growing out now
* Fears: being alone, being a loser, being liek everyone else, not achieveing my dreams, spiders, wasps....omg ruth i have like the same fears as you!


* Cheated on someone? nope
* Been cheated on? nope
* Fallen off the bed? yeh
* Broken someone`s heart? maybe slightly
* Had your heart broken? no
* Had a dream come true? cnt remember
* Done something you regret? obviously
* Cheated on a test? yeah


* Wearing? jeans, blk "duffers" top with a guy and a girl on a motorcycle
* Listening to? the humming of my computer
* Located? dining room
* Watching? nothing :-S
* Should REALLY be doing? bio hwk? exercise? i duno i'm always guilt tripped into sumthing


* Brush your teeth? obviously
* Like anybody? yeh
* Have any piercing? 6...individually...or 3 pairs
* Drive? nah
* Drink? sometimes
* Smoke? havent for ages
* Got a pager? no lol


* Hugged? hannah
* Kissed? mike
* IMed? mike
* Talked on the phone? mike
* Yelled at? dad
* Fell in love with? mike


* What do you want to be when you grow up? thinner, prettier....not tat i shallow or anything :-S lol ho yeah id like money too
* What has been the best day of your life? ummm theres been a few kool days, day i started goni out with mike was pretty kool certain birthdays and christmases etc.
* What comes first in your life? happiness, whetyer its my own or someone elses, i think its kinda the whole point of living
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? oui
* What do you usually think about before you go to bed? i hope ppl dnt think im obsessed, bt mike lol
* How many times have you fallen in love? once
* Love your family? in an unconditional *i have to* kind of way, i wouldnt say i was partiucllaly chummy with most of them most of the time
* Love your friends? yeah


* Movie: findin nemo, cool runnings, mean girls, donnie darko, pulp fiction etc!
* Song: no idea
* Group: blink
* Store: buddies, free spirit
* Relative: duno, theyre all kinda gay
* Sport: extreme sports like sk8boardin as theyre the most entertaining
* Ice Cream Flavor: mint
* Holiday: christmas
* Day of the Week: friday :D
* Time of day: evening
* Color: purple
* Name for a Girl: caitlyn or carmen
* Name for a Boy: james (snap!) or brandon
* Quote: i cnt think of one right now


* Like to give hugs? love to! especially when im pished
* Like to give kisses? yeh
* Like to walk in the rain? no it ruins my hair
* Prefer black or blue pens? blue, looks less messy if u fuck it up and have to scribble it out..which i always do
* Like to travel? kind of
* Sleep on your side, tummy or bak? side
* Think you're attractive? nope
* Have a goldfish? theyre not mine, bt theres some in my hall
* Ever have the falling dream? yeh
* Have stuffed animals? theres some in my room n the floor in the corner, and one teddy who rocks


* Abortion: i'm pro-choice, its up to the indivual what they do with their body, i think most people who protest probably have no idea what its like to be in the situation wherd youd b willin to kill you own baby? im sure the alternative would have to be worse, ansd whatcould be worse that tht. except from in the example of say prostitutes, cuz they may as well be made infertile or sumink, n save the bother.
* Smoking: who cares its not like its illegal so if u wanna smoke, fine lol
* Eating Disorders: not nice. tho it annoys me when plp just do it for attentuon *coughs* vicky *coughs*
* Suicide: tempting, but shouldn't be attempted, cause like, yeh u might not wanna die and then itd be too late
* Summer: its kool sumtimes, like bbqs etc. and the ccasional tan? but if its too hot then i moan.
* Tattoos: i want one!! me too!
* Piercings: some are kool


* Pierced nose or tongue? neither 2 bh
* Single or taken? taken
* MTV or BET? mtv?
* 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? neither
* Sugar or salt? sugar altho i wouldnt eat either on their own. eww.
* Silver or gold? silvers kool
* Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
* Color or Black-and-white photos? Black-and-white, usually
* Stay up late or sleep in? stay up
* Hot or cold? cold
* Sun or moon? moon
* Left or Right? Right.
* 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? neither, like 10 good friends or a few good friends a coupke best m8s...one best mate would get too clingy
* Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup
* Spring or Fall? both are kool
* Happy or sad? happy
* Wonder or amazement? amazement, wonder gets annoying after a while, i like to know the answer to things and i'm impatient
* McDonald's or Burger King? mcds, they have double cheeseburgers :D
*Mexican food or Italian food? italian
* Lights on or off? On
* Candy or soda? candy!
* Pepsi or Coke? coke

a n g e r section

* do you have a quick temper? yeah lol
* what do you do when you're mad?: punch things like doors, throw things like...bins (duno why) and hangers - wotever i can get my hands on, scream at people, swear a lot
* what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: um once when i was liek 10, i was rlly pisse doff, soi pured bleach all over the conservatory roof out the window, in some kind of manic way?...why do i get the feeling ill be elpaining this to a psychiatrist in a few years lol, ive done loads fo other stupid things, but that sprung to mind
* if you can take back time, would you have never done this?: probly, bt its funny when i thnk about it now
* ever made anyone cry when you were mad? i think so
* ever physically hurt someone when you were mad?: yeah
* do you curse when you're mad?: very much so

c r y i n g section.

* when was the last time you really cried your heart out? i duno, i tend to have lil cries, proper cry? about a month ago?
* ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah
* ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: not rlly, i dnt like to do tht
* ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
* do you cry when you get an injury?: depends what i did
* do certain songs make you cry? not rlly, eva cassidy pulls at the heart strings a bit i guess
* can you make yourself cry?: somtimes

p a i n section.

* what's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through?: when people die, and when every1 hates you - even ur own parents
* what's the worst thing you've done to yourself?: stupid things
* what's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?: i dnt think ive done much thts terrible, bt i can be kind of out of order, i tend to get pissed off to quick
* ever had a painful break up?: nope
* what about the old 'pain for pleasure'?: i duno?
* how depressed can you get?: very, i'm very sensitive
* do you inflict pain on yourself?: yeah, not onpurpose tho

h a p p y section.

* are you normally a happy person?: sumtimes
* what can make you happy?: being with mike, havin things go my way, buying things, seeing my ftriends n having rlly kool convos, having fun basically
* do you wish you were happier?: of course
* what makes you the happiest?: mike
* is being happy overrated?: no its gr8, but its hard to keep, like money
* what about being with your friends, does that make you happy?: yeh usually
* can music make you happy?: yeh

l o v e section.

* how many times have you had your heart broken?: its been bruised bt not broken
* do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: nope
* have you ever loved someone so much, that you'd die for them?: Yes
* did you ever love a guy, tell them that, and only got 'thanks' as a reply?: no
* ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry? yes
* besides your friends and family has anyone ever said 'i love you' to you?: yeh
* ever stopped a relationship because they didn't say 'i love you'?: no

s e l f - e s t e e m section.

* is your self-esteem extremely low?: sumtimes
* do you believe in yourself?: i hate this question, its too vague, bt generally, no
* when people say they think you are pretty, do you deny you are?: yeah
* are you one of those idiots that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat?: yeh
* ever wanted to kill yourself because you thought you weren't good enough?: yeh (not that i would)
* are you happy with who you are?: not at all, there are many things i wish i could change or improve, physically id be thinner, pretier, nicer skin, bigger boobs! and like id be a nicer person, more patient and calm, more confident, more relaxed, less paranoid etc.
* do you wish you can be someone else?: not someone who already exists, bt maybe a more improved version of myself?
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