Mar 01, 2005 22:03
grr im so fed up and frustrated. i swear everyone in my family is like this big fucking lead weight attached to me drownin me. just been arguing with my brother again and hes like have you not noticed I've not been talking to you for about a month? and i was like pathetic child. grrr hes just like his dad (he is my dad too) stubborn, selfish and grudge-holding. I can't do anything right aparently, they get well pissy about me being on the phone FUCKING GET OVER IT! ITS NOT LIKE ITS COSTING MONEY! its like they just wanna ruin everything I have, you know like when people rob poor people.
Sometimes I wish I could like... dissapear but I don't want to cause I do like some stuff. But still at times the people around me who are supposed to make you feel loved and cared for and safe ands that shit are the cause of my misery. I just feel like I'm always gettin' a slap across the face, whatever I do.