someone stole my heart

Feb 06, 2005 15:05

On friday February , 2005 there was a crime committed..As i proceeded to take a break bc my lift ticket got pulled, my snowboard got pulled as well..but this was a different pull, these S.O.B'S stole my $530 burton clash...i followed this crime up with a report to the security of KB, but they gave me the 21 question shit, and this girl wasnt any help at all.. They told me that realistically, i will never see my board ever again! So now i have $100, and tomorrow im going to sell my bass and bass amp for about $300 so I can buy a new setup..My friends from 245 are going to give me an awesome deal bc Mindy understands and said that she'll "hook me up bro"..but incase i dont have enough I have started the "lose a board, take a board" fundation for I, Brandon if you would like to contribute like $1.00 that would be greatly appreciated..thank you..<3

Also I have realized that everyone that likes underOATH only likes there new cd, "they're only chasing safety" but my good friend wes has informed me that the next cd is going to be more of the old if your real hardcore go listen to "watch me die" bc thats the old shit bitch..
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