Jul 06, 2006 15:53
so i have a nice story to tell...
yesterday was mine and my cousins's official shopping day. we hit all the hot spots in SD. fashion valley and horton plaza downtown... when we went to horton plaza i saw this amazing bag that i absolutely fell in love with! i am talking i never wanted anything more! my cousin also got a purse...so after i bought that i was SOOO happy! after we went to that store we went to urban outfitters to look around and also use my cousins 40% off discount! we went downstairs to the boys section cause i was looking for a present for a certain someone...i had by bag in one hand, and i must of put it down for a minute while looking for shirt sizes. then i went upstairs and started looking around for some things for myself. when i finally went into the fitting room, thats when i realized that i didnt have my bag with me. i freaked out and looked everywhere and told all the workers there to keep there eye out on it...i was sooo upset. i knew someone took it. and it was a nice bag too. so after searching and searching my cousin and i go back to the store we bought the bags at and tell the girl there what happened. she was really helpful, and told me the stores that had the bags and that i can buy another one online. my cousin was smart and brought up the idea that the person who took my bag might try and return it since my receipt was still in the bag. so i left her my name and number, just in case...i came back home SOO upset and even decided to buy the bag online...thats how much i wanted it!
now this is the awesome part.
today while stuffing our faces i got a call from a 619 number, and immediately i got super excited becuase i knew this was a San diego number...i answered and low and behold it was the manager from planet funk!! the store!! she said that a guy and girl tried to return my bag because he said he didnt want it because his cousin bought it. well the manager had the store receipt right next to the register, and looked at his receipt, and saw that they matched, and it was my purse he tried to return! she asked him the name of his cousin, since my name was on the receipt, but all he could do was try and lie and lie, and finally he gave up and just walked out the store. and now they have my bag and everything is all good!!
so the moral of this story is...dont be stupid. if you find something of value, turn it in. cause i felt sooo sad after this happened to me. and if you try and get something out of it, you are just going to get bad bad karma! trust me!!!!
hahah so thats my story.
my cousin is here from NEW YORK, and we have been having some good times.
on sunday we will be in camarillo for a week! so watch out