so i finally finished putting all my new years pictures in imagestation. sheesh it took FOREVER! so u can check em out here... wow. so winter break is FINALLY over. awwww. i must say though, it was a pretty crazy break. i mean soooo much happened!
christmas was fun. my parents left the house the next day....i worked like a crazy person! got some awesome gifts. everyone came down for new years!
new years was fun. except for one thing. but it was pretty good. and i got pretty fucked up. i think i was the second one to pass out after rachel. haha sorry babe for getting u all messed up. sometimes i forget my own power in mixing drinks. haha.
the year 2006. yikes. it has already been soooo crazy. being only 3 weeks into it. it's been up and down and all over. i went to camarillo ALOT. i mean ALOT. drove up 3 times within a week. wow who does that? well the first time was to chill for my days off...the second time was for stevens birthday bash at woodranch and BANG. GOOD TIMES! except the "back that ass up" room wasn't as fun...i miss the good songs. but it was fun at BANG of course...i always have a good times. so yeah. then the next morning i drove home to work for 8 hours. it HURT. trust me. dont do it. its insane...then a few days after i went back home to see the return at the key club on sunset.
that was really fun. although i wish they had a longer set and played more of their old was good to see them really pumped up to be at such a great venue. the guys looked good of course!
then i stayed a few days afer the show until i had to work again. it was fun. got to hang out with some great peeps. fong i missed. steven WOW. duhhh.. i miss you like ALL the time. thank you for hanging out with me=)
ahhh what else. what else...
i came home on thursday night. went to work friday, then the next day i picked up fernando from the train station and on saturday was ED's apartment warming. we bought him some pretty great stuff. not to mention a foreman grill from target! hell yes. good times. i like ed's place in san diego...its cute, nice and cozy. i will definitely be there alot! who knows maybe roomies one day? huh huh?
on sunday we all hung out again, and then we had a little get together at my place here in san marcos. i got a whole bunch of stuff for my hooka. i got coals, vanilla, apple, strawberry and pineapple flavor tobaccos. ahhh so good. i LOVE to hoooka. its amazing.
some things to say from that nigth are:
"she tasted like cigarettes"
"i dont want your life"
"come on babe, just let it happen"
"real freaky naughty"
"oh me so horny, me want you long time!!"
the next day we went ice skating at UTC. it was pretty fun. i used to be a lot better...this time i was ok. i didnt fall once, and i was going pretty fast. sometimes i like to pretend i am a ice skater. ever since i was little weird.
hmm the whole winter break was fun. i had a fantastic time. even though there were some ended very nicely. all i can say is..."LET IT HAPPEN"
now i am pretty tired and i think i need to catch up on some sleep.
so until then. i will update and continue to update as much as possible.