Aug 09, 2008 00:20
so yeah, still sick. i thought i was feeling ok earlier, but 2 hours before i had to leave for work i started to feel worse. i went to work anyway. suffered through most of it. 2 new people. one who will work out really well and the other i guess it's her first job and she will need some work to fit in. i've talked to my boss and it looks like i can switch to having weekends off and a dayshift on tuesday. i do not want to miss out on dinner/game night. that IS my social life.
i'm debating on taking tomorrow off regardless of how i feel when i get up. i might just anyway. when i said goodbye as i left work i said "i may or may not see you tomorrow". they know i'm not feeling good. they saw it. so it's ok.
i had a the world was suffering from a disaster dream. in the last part of it it was dark outside, which was mostly from the clouds, and lightning was striking everywhere. my back yard was flooded (the old house in albany). i rescured mush mush from the outside to put him in the garage with the other cats only to find out the garage door had huge holes in it and some old ladies across the street who were looking at the neighbors house saw me and started to come over telling me they just bought my house and that everything in it was theirs now. i was arguing about the green couch and that my parents bought it and it was mine. the house turned into a mansion and i was playing basketball with someone throughout a few of the rooms. stepped on some plates on the stairs that were under water, but the stairs themselves were not underwater. climbed a spiral staircase with no railing...or really steps and it didn't go all the way to the top. said hello to i think his name is lyle? from george of the jungle. ya know, the blonde jerk engaged to ursula. and before all that other things happened. i needs to gos to beds now.