well, it's about time for me to deliver, so here goes. i'm going to update, with pictures and all, aren't you thrilled? right now i'll update on summer pictures, and later on this week i'll make some other picture updates, my scanner is really weird, so there might be like spots on the pictures, sorry, haha, well enjoy <3
me and kevinn on the way to the train that night (bc we missed the original one haha, aww) he looks cute, i look shitty oh well
merry & cherry high? hahah nahhh
jimmy, merry & cherry smokin it up
haha nice one merry, jimmy, merry & some of cherry in the city
kevin & i with the hookah in the city
i <3 nyc
my pretty cousin tracey & i at the best place ever in floridaaa i wanna go back!!
me on the first night in florida...sorry it's all discolored my printer messed it up
tracey & i again in florida out at the pool
me & merry drunk? nahhh never udp = awesome timesss
sean & myself
me & kier in joey's car haha
me, kier & er at some kids house last week...haha interestinggg
self-explanatory, hahaha
me & my beach bum...sooo much fun this summer, haha <3
allison, anne & i, at malibu one night this summer
bogarts 2 wks ago, what are the odds of seeing your brother there? haha, ali, dan, me & andrew
hahahaha wtf?
me & rob at bogarts..i dont remember this picutre, haha
brendan & i at bogarts last wk
and last but not least, the fearsome fivesome at bogarts this wk -- ali, kier, er, me, anne, great times <3
summer 2004 has been a blast, more great times hopefully to come...i love u guys!