May 24, 2009 21:21
First off, why's naff down?
Okay and this is what's been going on since yesterday. I'm not going to worry too much about grammar so bear with me if it gets hard to understand. I will clarify if you want.
Yesterday Phillip and I were scheduled to go fishing. We talked to his mom and asked if we could use her truck because his firebird isn't practical for fishing. She said that yeah we could. We get to Blytheville to get our licenses and some water so we don't get dehydrated and she calls us and says Wayne (his stepdad) needs to use her truck so we need to come home. Of course, we're a little pissed, but we said we'd use the firebird anyway because damn, we really wanted to fish!
We get back to his house and Phillip hands the keys to Wayne, he says give them to his mom because she needs it. They start arguing and yelling so Phillip, Kyel, and me all step outside. Next thing we know, we hear Phillip's mom scream and hit the floor and their coffee table move. We come in, she's laying on the floor. He pushed her down and it broke her foot (at least we think so, she won't go to the emergency room or doctor to find out). After we ran in, he started yelling and cussing at Phillip and Phillip yelled and cussed back. I was having to hold Phillip back from kicking his ass. He keeps telling us all to get our shit and get out of his fucking house and blah blah blah being a baby. We kept trying to get it and he kept trying to get us to leave.
Then, when Wayne said something else to Phyllis and got close to her (i think that's what happened, this is fuzzy right now), he yelled at me saying "now dont you get fucking into this you need to get your fucking shit and get the hell up out of my house". I told him to not yell at me because he doesn't know me and we will leave if he will let us get our shit.
In the end, we threw a lot of Phillip's clothes and stuff in his car and came to my house, while Phillip followed Kyel and Phyllis to Kyel's house were she's going to stay while Phillip stays with me.
We went back today to try to get the rest of Phillip's stuff, and he started telling Phillip that he owes him 3000$ or some shit and he can't get any of his shit until he gets that money. When Phillip doesn't owe him anything. He paid Wayne back for the firebird so he doesn't owe him a dime. Wayne tried to say we were breaking and entering and kicked the door in (we got in with Phillip's key). So we left with just his tools, lockbox, and a box with some of his paperwork. Phillip is going to get the rest of his stuff with a police escort because he can't legally withhold Phillip's stuff.