Mar 02, 2005 15:32
I'd like to start off with HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIAN!! I hate that you're not home for everyone to share it with you, but here's hoping its great anyway. Miss you and see you soon!
Otherwise, these past couple of weeks have been good, but fairly chaotic. With our big group of friends, its been hard to make prom plans that make everyone happy. Its been problems over limos, food, dates, and on and on...but I think everything is settled now. I got my dress, and God knows, I really like it...its pink and kind of fun looking.
School has been really hard, and alot of work. Its been project after project, but everyone congratulate me, I got a 95 on my APUSH test last week!! APUSH is so much work and I was so excited to see a really good grade. Other than that, Psychology and Spanish III are easy, and English is just boring.
Thats about all that I've been up to...prom and school. Whew! What excitement! I hope everyone else is going well!