Oct 20, 2004 14:37
I'm an NHS inductee! Yay! I didnt think I'd make it back in honor society. I mean, don't get me wrong, I work my butt off, and I think I would've deserved it, even if I wouldn't have gotten in, but anyway, I'm excited! Inductions are next Tuesday...I need a new outfit. Tomorrow we get report cards...ewww. I've got all A's and a B though...and the B is in retard kid math. I really don't understand how I can make a 96 in Honors Chemistry, but when it comes time to make an A in math, I just can't do it. Damn Advanced Functions.
Anyway, I'm ready for the weekend. Tomorrow is the last day of the week though! Friday I have mock trial practice from 8:30 until like noon, and then I'm working until 3, and then I'm going to the eye doctor. I don't like the eye doctor honestly. I can't stand to have my pupils dialated. Grrrr. Then, Friday is a chill night. Saturday I'm going to House of Fate with the girls and then to Alyssa's...I think. That should be fun. Sunday I've got to go to church, and hopefully shopping. Like I said, I need an outfit for inductions.
Then...Monday will be...back to the old grind.
I hope everyone had a good week and a great weekend to come!