im a bored loser...but read it anyway

Jun 29, 2005 20:54

Last person who...

Slept in your bed: me...=( not fun

Saw you cry: i really cant remember alot of peoplehave seen me cry

Made you cry: my dad, he can be so ridiculous sometimes

You went to the movies with: alex goodman

You went to the mall with?: alison


Have You Ever...

Said "I Love You" and meant it: alison?lol
Been to California: ha yes
Been to Mexico : yes.....mmmmm mexico
Been to China: no.
Been to Canada: ya i should go
Been to Europe: born there
Wish you were the opposite sex: when i got my period

Right Now...

Do you have a crush on someone: who knows....ive been so indecisive 
What book(s) are you reading now: i should start reading "The Things They Carried " again but ive been busy...or lazy
Worst feeling in the world: hmm ...loneliness..
Future KIDS name: Jesse..not Amore lol...umm Michael?
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: i miss cupcake
Whats under your bed: drawers....full of old papers i refuse to throw away and my bras and underwear
Favorite sport: yoga

Location: Los Angeles
Piercings/Tattoos: ears
Do you drink: not recently
What are you most scared of: being the only person left on earth...being all alone?
Where do you want to get married: on the beach somewhere pretty
Who do you really hate?: i could..... but i wont

Do you have a job: no i need one tho
Do you like being around people: ya i like people

Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: o yes, what the hell was wrong with me...anyone remember my obsession with Derek i was pathetic

Have you ever cried: yes crying is very good for you...if you dont cry you will blow up...and you wouldnt't want to blow up right?__________________________________________________

Have you ever-

Been in love: a certain kind of love...well several certain kinds of love

Played strip poker: uhhh
Broken the law: yes
Cried yourself to sleep: ahh thats the worst..but yes that has  occurred

Did something you said you wouldn't do: a bunch of times...i lie to myself...
Asked someone out: ya

Been on radio/tv: yes

Been in a mosh-pit: sorda
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: yes

First best friend: ummm some russian girl...but natalya deserves this title
First car: ahhhhhhhh i wanna drive!
First screen name: dianir90.........lmfao
First self purchased album: madonna
First funeral: my uncles mother(not my grandmother) was very upsetting
First pets: aww i missed out on that
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card: nope
First enemy: boys
First big trip: cruise to mexico
First music you remember hearing in your house: i really dont know
Last cigarette: last august?....i dunno
Last car ride: today
Last kiss: last saturday
Last good cry: good?....i dunno
Last movie seen: Batman Begins
Last beverage drink: vitamin water
Last food consumed: yogurt
Last crush: i'de rather not say
Last phone call: charlotte who wasn't home..poop
Last time showered:yesterday...i will do that after im done with this crap

Last shoes worn: my reef sandals

Last cd played:a mix someone made me

Last item bought: a bra
Last annoyance: sticky after yoga feeling

Last time wanting to die: december

Last shirt worn: the diney shirt im wearing now
Last website visited: this one

ahhhhhhh im such a loser i think i'll delete this
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