lunch that I though had no agenda turned out to have one after all.
It's to size up my "happiness" in the company, which, because of my positive attitude, I clearly sent all the wrong signal.
Why? Because, the company offered me a permanent position.
Normally it’s a thing to be happy about but I am not.
Not with a 1% raise.
I felt humiliated.
Call me money face, but I worked my ass off and have yield results. And the papers today just reported a minimum 5% increment for most industries with the good market.
I rejected the offer and told the HR I expected 5%. They said they will escalate to my boss.
At 6pm in the evening, they came back with the news that they are adamant on the 1%. They gave more crap justification of the meagre adjustment, saying that converting me is already showing their appreciation of my work.
1% is what I am going to get.
I remembered how low I felt during the 6months unemployment days.
I accepted the offer.
And in my heart, I am set to go.