Round 1: Darkmoon

Mar 07, 2015 14:43

[Read]Welcome back to Twinkle Hills! Today we are going to spend some time with Darkmoon family. Trevor is an evil warlock, who lives in an old mansion with his spectral cat Lily. The exterior and interior of their house you can see in the previous update here.
Today's challenge:

Completely Silly Fight: Sim picks fight with Sim with highest relationships.

Oh my God. This challenge. Well, I don't think it's a nice idea to start the round with negative moment, so here we have some awkward Lily's dancing instead:

It was raining during the whole first day. But I wasn't upset, the rain makes me feel so calm and comfortable :)

Darkmoon family already knows all the neighboors. No one visited them in their first day, so Lily decided to call Faerie Queen Mara Sparkle (I just love her full name, haha) to hang out.

But instead of having fun Mara decided to take care of their garden :D
Thank you, Mara. No one in this warlock family pays attention to gardening.

And Lily made some barbecue to treat to her guest.

Trevor didn't pay attention to girls at all as he found a new obsession - painting. (Though he couldn't refuse from barbecue of course :D)

Lily: “So.. Mara, I heard you were kissing with Charlie Spark recently?”

Mara: *out of words*

Trevor: “Yes, yes. I heard that too and couldn't believe. He has a girlfriend already!”

Mara: “Well, it was once... or twice... or... Moreover, he's not such a great kisser, you know”

Lily: “I can't understand why you did this!”

Mara: “But he was so cute, hehehe”

Lily: *making a cute face* But I thought I'm the cutest in this neighbourhood

Don't worry, Lily! I think you are better than Charlie! Moreover, I don't approve his cheating >:(

Lily: “Aww, thank you, watcher! I'm so pleased”

Yes, Lesya is so crazy that talks to her sims :D

Later everyone forgot about Charlie and spent time dancing awkwardly :D

When Mara came home, Trevor returned to his easel. And look what a Lady he draw. Impressive :)

Lily woke up in the middle of the night to check if it's still was raining.

And it was... Cats are afraid of water. Don't afraid Lily! We are here with you. it''ll stop raining soon!

I hope...

Trevor: “Stay away, silly kitten! I'll strike you!”

No no no. We know you won't do it with your own spectral cat :D

If you wonder where they are going, the answer is that Trevor is an owner of the local library. It's his business lot. The exterior and interior of the library you can see here.

The first visitor was Jojo Jofili.

Jojo: “Uhh... I wish I was better at school. I have only C+. What a shame!”

Don't worry, Jojo! The library will help to improve your knowledge!

Hey, owners! The first visitors already came! May be you should show them library instead of tossing the ball? :D

This picture of Charlie sitting in prostration shows how it's interesting to run such business as library :D

The first visitor in magic section was Carlyn Littlebow. No wonder here :) I hope her magic practice was successful.

And then they started talking about global problems. It's actual enough. Some clever talks in the library.

Hey, guys. Don't you want to offer your visitors some books to read?

*cat noises*

Give them food at least too :D Stop eating all alone!

I also placed electrono-ticket machine for this business to bring money.

Jojo: “Darling, do you know how to use this thing?”

This is not Jojo's round but I still made tons of pictures with her face :D I love her!

Seems that Charlie knows what to do with the ticket in contrast to Jojo.

Charlie: “Yes! I know. I should place it in my pocket hehehe”

The only person who pays attention to books here is Lily.

Though Carlyn seems so satisfied with the library. Yes, please, some more stars to the business!

Lily: “My master is so awful that recently he even has stolen a garden gnome”

Lily: “He is too evil. Rrrr”

Trevor: “Time to close the libraryyyy!”

Trevor, what are you pointing at? You don't have watches!

Trevor: “Ooops. Please, don't tell anyone”

Every round must contain a picture of flying witch :D Well I just thought that the view of the sky is beautiful.

Trevor: “Oh, hello there, my dear friend...”

Trevor, I think you should have a rest. You are already talking to flies :D

Oh, Trevor, you are so scary. I'm so afraid....

especially of your bunny slippers. Aah!

This sparkle is enormously huge o_O

Have you ever wanted to know how great evil wizards are spending their evenings? The answer is above :D

Lily: “Do you really want to work? Wow!”

Trevor: “Yes. I have so much work...”

Trevor: “So much work to do!”

We see :D

All the girls in Twinkle Hills are in love with Charlie. Lily also has a crush on him. I don't understand

Seems I'm not alone. Lavenia also doesn't understand why this guy is so popular.

Lavenia: “!@#$%^&* this Charlie!”

Trevor decided to have a rest after work and visited fishing spot “Happy Deer”

Jojo: “Thank God! Someone visited my business lot!”

Lily was so tired after work that decided to sleep in the tent :)

Mara decided to join Trevor and... her fishing skills leave much to be desired...

Later in the evening a new face joined them. It's Clovia Cleverpaw - a townie werewolf. Now we have fishing trio :D

I have no idea why this fairy is so unlucky :D

Even Trevor's first attempt was successful.

Clovia also had nice fishing skills. You are the only looser in fishing, Mara :D

Lily: “Why should I cook? Am I a cat or who?”

I can tell you that in my another world, Mellow Bay, cats go to work and even have their own limo. So, don't complain

Lily:” Master, are you sure that this is what I'm cooking is eatable?”

Trevor: “Of course! Because it's SPAGHETTI!”

This picture is just overloaded with cute library visitors ^^

Lavenia: “Look! They are playing in my favorite game!”

Yes, we all know what Twinkle Hills residents feel about this game :D

And again. The only person interested in books here is Lily.

There were last days of the round so I though that we already had enough positive moments and my sims are ready to accomplish the challenge. And as you can see - future Trevor's enemy with whom he should have a fight is Lavenia Honeyleaf. They were best friends... *sigh*

So they spent two days arguing and decreasing their relationships. (I'm so glad that macro mod exists and I didn't have to do it myself :D)

Trevor found a perfect place for drinking cocktails (I think that previous cocktails contain alcohol 100 per cent :D)

Trevor: “Hehehe, this place is perfect! No one will find me here!”

Let's not make Trevor upset and tell him that we actually see him :D

Lily decided to spend some time gardening. I'm sure it's influence of Mara - garden lover :)

They added fresh veggies to food and now they have sparkling hot dogs *_*

And while Trevor was trying to have an enemy in Lavenia's face I thought that Lily should have someone to chat as well ;) So I called the matchmaker. Well, to be honest, at first when I was creating Trevor and Lily they supposed to be a couple but Trevor's gender preferences were different and I decided to leave it and find another couple for Lily. And Trevor and Lily will be mentally connected and will be forever best friends of course ^^ Let's see whom our matchmaker give us.

Oh my God! This is Callan Lakeman - an angry reporter guy :D At least he looks so “stylish” in this suit :D All right. They have one bolt only.

Lavenia: “A flower for my flower <3”

Lavenia is a pickup master. Slow down, Lady. You have a husband and three children :D

The relationships between our couple weren't so good at first...

But at the evening the were already flirting <3

Callan even felt in love. Hoho!

And here you can see what achieved our second “couple”. That was funny situation in general when one couple was on date and flirting and the second couple was practically fighting at the same time :D

Lily tried to impress his new boyfriend with cookies but...

Her second attempt to cook was much more successful and she managed to make something sparkling.

Calland: “Thank you for food, honey. *wink wink*

Lily: “Really? You are welcome. Tee hee”

I must say that Calland isn't that bad looking. I still need to give him new clothes and hairstyle (since this one is a bit glitchy in front of his ear)

And this is how the best date ever ends :D

Trevor, you've completed the challenge and lost your best friend. It was the silliest fight ever. Congratulations :D

And forgot to add congratulations with your lose :D

Thank you so much for reading and Happy Simming!

darkmoon family, twinkle hills, round 1, round 1: darkmoon

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