Round 1: Honeyleaf

Mar 02, 2015 12:55

[Read]Welcome back to Twinkle Hills! Today we are going to spend some time with Honeyleaf family. Kerius and Lavenia are plantsims. They have a garden where they grow vegetables and fruits and then they are selling them at their home business.

Today's challenge:

Large pet adoption: Your sims have decided it's too quiet without the pitter-patter of furry paws and have decided to adopt a pet. Make a visit to the local pet shop, call the pet adoption agency, or make a pet in CAS.

Let me show you their house first. Exterior:


I also added a patio area. It's very simple this time but I just love these table and chairs!

What an interesting want, Lavenia! How could I be against? ;)

Let's make a baby!

I decided to make it in a “plantsim way”

And who we have there? :)

We have a cutie whose name is Ellant. His face is a bit wonky, but I love him anyway. His personality:

7/2/3/9/8 He's very nice ^^

And he's obviously isn't interested in nursery rhymes...

Kerius, don't you want to look at a baby? Pleasure sims and their crazy wants...

And the only visitor was Lily Darkmoon. Hello, kitty! :3

And now it's time to complete the challenge! This is Clinto. Clinto is guarding the garden! (I created him in CAS and I think he turned out very funny :D)

Kerius: “So, what do you think about our new house?”

Lily: “Eee”

Lily: “Your food is tasty”

Ok, Lily :D

Lily: “NOM”

Did you want to say “meow?” I wonder since what time cats are eating sweet food?

Plants don't fly, Lavenia :D

I don't think it's better. At least Ellant is enjoying :)

Lavenia is learning about humans' life. I'm sorry Lavenia. But in this neighborhood all the people are crazy :D

Meanwhile Lily was communicating with little Ellant. Aaaw :3

Ellant: “Kitty! Ears!”

You both are too cute! And too green

A moment of peace! Plantsims don't sleep but they need a lot of water so that's ok to take a bath in the night.. outside.

Oh, I'm sure, your husband loves you! Don't doubt! <3

And here's a proof!

They are so cute together - said Lesya about all her sims couples :D

Ellant: “I also have someone to hug!”

And when Kerius finally remembered about a child in his house, this happened :D

Ellant regrets nothing thou :D

Kerius: “Uggh”

He's just too cute to be angry with ^^

The next day was a day to open a home business. Lavenia decided to be a salesperson.

Clarence Spanner was hired as a restocker. He's a crazy inventor but I thought that he still needed money on making his inventions. So job is a necessary thing :)

And Kerius is a cashier.

Kerius: “You mean me? Me working with this... thing?”

Yep :D You can do it!

The first customer is Faerie Queen Mara Sparkle. And I can say that she loves shopping. (And doesn't like slow cashiers :D)

Charlie Spark wasn't interested in buying and spending time cuddling Ellant. Aaaw :3 Well done, Ellant. I'm sure this is how you help to make an impression on your parents' customers :D

Crops will soon grow up and Honeyleaf family will be able to sell fresh veggies and fruits!

You might already tired to see all the pictures of flying witches. But it's so cute. I can't ><

Clinto: “My precious... Finally we are alone”

Clinto: “Huehuehue”

Aaaw! Why are you so unhappy Clinto? Don't you love hugs?

They thrown a little party to celebrate the first day of their business!

Lavenia: “Trevor, could you please not spoil our walls?”

Trevor: “But accuracy is my second name!”

Mmmm.. sorry but no :D

Clinto tried to hide in the flowers and avoid hugging but Ellant found him!

Honey, don't eat flowers please. You are the flower yourself :D

NOOOO! Mara! Stop flirting with Charlie. He has a girlfriend. And you already have a boyfriend. Your Gandalf will be upset!

Obviously they didn't hear me crying from another side of the display... That's sad. Charlie is a boyfriend of my another founder, Jojo Jofili. Don't no what I feel about this. I love all my founders too much >< But cheating isn't good anyway.

And some more rock-paper-scissors game. They always play it autonomously. Very popular game in Twinkle Hills :D

Clinto: “I wonder what are they doing?”

Ellant: “Clinto! Look at mommy!”

Clinto: “Huh?”

Lavenia: “Boo!”

Clinto: “Is it really so funny? Meh.”

Clinto: “Finally these crazy plants calmed down. They are not sleeping and so noisy.”

The party was successful by the way.

So all the sparkles came home.

Plantsims are not slepping but they found out how to use the bed ;)

And a bit later we have this. Pop pop!

“Hello, Carlyn. Don't you want to buy fresh vegetables?” - this is what you should say and not “Hello, Carlyn. Let's play rock-scissors-paper” =/

Some new faces at the shop. Hello, Tutto!

Aaaw. Trevor, are you sure that you want to be evil warlock? You are too kind for it!


And some more spam with cute plant couple <3

Plantsim's happines. (though this bath outside confused the costumers a bit :D)

The main reason to have a fountain in the yard :D

Kerius: *sigh*

Ellant grew up to a child next day! I love his cheeks :)

Would you believe that it's a shop if I'll show you this picture only? IT'S A CHAOS!

Ellant: “Why should I go to school I'm not even a human...”

I didn't google school bus replacement, so here we have a classic yellow bus in the fantasy hood

It started raining but for our lovebirds it's only a pleasure as they could fulfill both their love and water needs ;)

Ellant decided to help Kerius with his water need :D

Unidentified Flying Object is a stick! It's not a secret anymore!

Hey, Kerius. Stop tricking on a poor dog. Clinto, the stick is in his hands, don't look for it! :D

Ah.. my heart hurts because Charlie recently was kissing with Mara. Grrrrr

Jojo is so happy with him. I'm so excited about this love triangle ><


Heather: “Aaaah!”

Charlie: “Why is she giving birth right here? You have the awfullest shop!”

Lavenia: “Shut up, Charlieeee!”

The power of a pregnant woman :DD Lavenia is a boss.

Twiiiins! My game is just full of twins ^^'
They are a girl and a boy. I grew them up in the morning to make it more realistic for plantsims. So here we have:

Personality: 3/3/10/10/9

Personality: 3/2/3/10/7

Wonky faced cuties :)

I just can't look at them without smile :')

Flying plantbabies here and there.

Terren is patiently waiting for his turn to be tossing in the air :D

Lavenia: “Oh my Gosh! Son, are you eating pop corn? It might br dangerous for a plant!”

Popcorn guy: “Don't listen to her, Ellant. Eat me! Huehuehue”

And then it was harvest time. Now They can sell fresh food in the shop :)

Charlie is spending a lot of time with plantbabies. I think it's because he is an ex-garden club member :D

Lurker dog: in bewilderment* So this is a cat, right? What I... Should I... bark? She is gigantic..

Kids are growing up so fast. I remember both of you playing in the beginning of the round *burst out crying*

Ellant: “I'll be eating a real cake lalala” :D
Well there are always a lot of people in Honeyleaf house and a lot of parties as well.

Lily: “So, Mara don't you need a cat? I decided to leave Trevor. He's too evil. Recently he even has stolen a garden gnome!”

Mara: “Oh, I understand. Steeling gnomes is really terrible!”

Mara: “But I don't need a pet. I already have a boyfriend.”

Lily: “Eee?..”

Terren is a musical flower :)

Ellant: “Clinto, roll over!”

Clinto: “What do you want from me, greenish? Heh”

Lavenia: *singing nursery rhymes*

Terren: “I wanna die”

Lavenia: “Why are you not repeating?”

I'm afraid on this picture he looks like his first word isn't “mum” but “help” :D

Some more peek-a-boo ^^

Look out, Clinto! The lurker dog is watching you :D

Reading time!

Terren: “Hey, what are you doing here? Daddy is reading for me!”

Oh, I'm sure dad loves both of you!

Poor Kerius. This happened to him twice :D

And the round ends with Ellant trying to do his homework and being shocked at his handwriting :D

Thank you so much for reading and Happy Simming!

twinkle hills, round 1, honeyleaf family, round 1: honeyleaf

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