Round 1: Jofili

Feb 18, 2015 18:04

[Read]Welcome back to Twinkle Hills! Today we are going to spend some time with Jojo Jofili, who is a deersim living in a small cabin in the forest.

Today's challenge: Life goes as normal. Eeeh, nothing interesting for this round :(

Let me show you her house first:

And this is how Jojo was spending time waiting for her neighbors:

Jojo: “It's a lot of fun! You should try!”

Hmm... thank you, Jojo! I will one day... may be ^^”

Jojo: “What is this creature? It doesn't even have antlers...”

But I love it!

Finally neighbors came! Mr. Green Sparkle - Trevor Darkmoon was there.

As well as pretty Lavenia Honeymoon.

Who wasn't interested in Jojo at all :D

At least Mr. Sparkle was glad to chat a bit :)

Jojo made delicious food to make a nice impression on her neighbors.

But... Don't be upset, Jojo! They must be busy doing something very important...

Very important.

In short, this is how they spent half of the day. I should delete this thing :D

Finally guests remembered about the food.

Trevor: “Why are you standing there and not eating? It's creepy you know”

Lavenia: “But I'm a plant and not eating human food. May I just stay here and look how are you eating my portion too?”

Trevor: “All right! I'll stand and look at you drinking water then!”

So many interesting interactions here.

Trevor! Are you gossiping about Jojo?! Rude!

Well done, Lavenia! Knock out all the sparkles from him for being so rude!

Poor Jojo doesn't even understand what is going on here.

Jojo: “These guys are funny. I love them!”

Then Carlyn Littlebow, good witch, called jojo and started talking about magic with her.

Jojo: *shocked* I don't understand anything about magic :O

And this is where the first day for Jojo ends. The next day is going to be much more interesting because we will be visiting Jojo's business lot! I've been thinking a lot what kind of business Jojo can run. And I made a fishing store + fishing spot for her! Because of several reasons: Jojo's LTW want is being at the top of Oceanography career. And also because I decorated a pond outside for her and she even has a boat there! So, I thought that it'll be logical to make something connected to water/fish. Let me show you a fishing spot “Happy Deer!”

Hello, small version of Jojo! Are you happy? :D

The shelves are empty right now, as Jojo didn't catch any fish right now :D So she had to sell some dried fish here.

And what do we have here? :) Jojo has two bolts with a townie guy, Charlie Spark, who is an ex-garden club member! They met together among the fish :D Rather romantic. But first things first. Let's see who will be our employee.

And it's a townie girl - Harla Daisyrain.

I'd like to believe that Charlie is looking at Jojo like this not at fish :D

First customers! Jojo seems to be surprised to see them :D

Jojo: “I'm not surprised, I just don't know how this thing with buttons work :C”

Jojo: “Help? Anyone?”

Sorry, Jojo, I don't know how a cash desk works myself :D

Aww. Charlie seems so nice <3

Jojo: “WAHAHA OHOHO I have my own fish store!!!”

Don't frighten us, Jojo :D We all know that you are crazy from happiness :D

Is this fish looks suspicious, Harla?

Harla: “Yep. I wonder how many years it's hanging on here...”

Meanwhile at the other bank of the pond Charlie was having some fun. And I can't say that he was very good at this game...


Charlie: “Ooops..”

Back at home. Jumping on the stack wasn't a waste of time :)

Jojo: “I feel the power!”

Jojo is totally exhausted after the first day at work.

Just look at this sleeping angel! It makes me want to sleep myself despite the fact that it's 17 p.m. In real life :D

Next day Jojo decided to stay at home and catch some fish for selling. She is so serious about it!

No luck?

Jojo: “Meh”

Oh my God! What is there?

It might be someone big!

Congratulations! Are you happy, Jojo?

Jojo: Sure!

And one more!

Wow! Harla, thank you so much! I didn't know that Jojo's employee can be so rich :D

Jojo: “Yeahh. Thank you, but it doesn't match Lesya's game at all...”

Jojo is a knowledge sim so she decided to do things that she really enjoys.

So much excitement!

Pictures of some random dogs. They were just too cute not to take pictures of >< Wolfes' love <3

Back to “Happy Deer”. Fish look creppy with their open mouths :S

But Mara wanted to buy them anyway!

It's very important to take care of garden as well. You are such a nice business owner, Jojo!

Mr. Green Sparkle also decided to visit the fishing store. She might have come here to buy it for his spectral cat, Lily :)

And Jojo still was failing in work with the cash desk =/ What a shame! Charlie is watching ><

Jojo: “Harla, don't you want to replace me?”

Harla: *pretending that she is too busy and doesn't here anything”

Hey, Mara! How about paying for it? Mara is the thief :D

Here's the explanation! She completely forgot about money because really wanted to play here :D

That's unfair! I'm sure she's used some of her fairy magic!

Though the result isn't that nice. At least it's better than Charlie's :D

Carlyn also decided to visit the store. Fish may be useful for creating some elixirs I suppose :)

And Jojo was there to offer her the freshest fish!

Finally Mara decided to pay for her fish :D

Jojo: “May be Harla is right and this fish is really suspicious. Hmm...”

It was raining all day in the last day of the round. That's sad because for the last day I decided to close the store, give Harla a day off and let visitors spend time playing/communicating/fishing and enjoying the beauty of the pond :( Hope, rain will end soon!

And of course the main actions were in front of that ax game.

Charlie: “I'm throwing an ax better than you, Mara”

You might be very risky to tell this to the woman with ax :D

Mara: “I'm imagining that I'm throwing it to your face!”

Carlyn: “Mmm..what is Mara doing?”

Mara: “There are enough axes to all of you! >:(“

Making some hot dogs for visitors, I'm sure, they'll be glad!

That was very difficult to make pictures in the pergola, but I love it ^^

Jojo: “Is she eating the food I made? Isn't she afraid of food poisoning?” :D

Finally they decided to communicate! It was a lot of fun watching how they were walking around, thinking about themselves with hearts above the thoughts. But no one wanted to make the first step :D

Jojo was the first who started flirting <3

She is just too cute. You won't resist, Charlie!

What did I tell?

Charlie: “This antlered girl have stolen my heart <3”

Jojo: *happiness 80 lvl*

The night came and it was time for everyone to go home.

Good fly, Carlyn! (Her dress is a bit glitchy here but I still love this screenshot)

It was time for everyone go home, and for our new couple too ;) They came to Jojo's as we don't have any community lots in Twinkle Hills to date.

Thank you, ACR!

I don't think it's a good idea, Jojo... He doesn't seem to approve this.

Poor thing. It's apparently not your day, Jojo! But I'm laughing aloud :D

At least he wasn't against of kissing :)

And this is where the round ends. I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for reading and Happy Simming!

twinkle hills, round 1: jofili, jofili family, round 1

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