Round 4: DiMarco

Jan 08, 2015 18:55

[Read]Welcome back to Mellow Bay! Today we are going to spend some time with DiMarco family. In previous round they moved to a new house, twins Ryan and Ashton became friends. And then Odele gave a birth to the second couple of twins - lovely girls Lina and Tina. Luca was very successful at his business - pet store, as well as Ashton who got his first A+. The awful nanny that was supposed to take care of children peed herself in the nursery :(

This round starts with very pleasant events. Girls are growing up! No more dirty diapers! Yay!

Even Lina came to see at her sister's growing up :)

Odele was absolutely uninterested in girls' birthday and was communicating with boys at the background =/ (Remember, Ashton is in red, Ryan is in yellow :D)

And girls grew up to lovely children. (Yes, yes, I love all the children in Mellow Bay C:)

This is Lina (so remember, Lina is in a bright pink. Their features are different, but if there won't be possible to see their faces, orientate by the colors of their outfit :D)

And this is Tina.

And some pictures of their room. Bunk bedsss <3

The first thing that Lina did is chatting with Ashton :')

Instead of Tina who started playing computer games :D

Lina: "I also want to play computer games! D:"

Don't stay there, Ashton! In the big family you'd better hurry up otherwise you'll stay without lunch!

And the family now seems really big. Every corner of the house now is full of people.

Angel: "Children are everywhere. HALP!"

Ashton: "I wonder what this lovely rocket is doing in the girls' room. I'll take it >:)"

And here is a picture of the townie man dancing in his outer wear in the living room =/ It's Brendan, Luca's employee. He has nice relationships with Luca and boys and spend a lot of time in DiMarco's house. Well, it's a good thing to have nice relationships with the stuff :)

Lina spends a lot of time in front of the activity table.

Lina: "Ah I feel like I'm a great artist"

The computer in boys' room had broken and they called a repairman. And look, it's that guy who repaired the dishwasher in the previous round. He still has a burnt face :D

Ashton: "Ryan! Ryan! Ryan, listen!"

Ryan: "Whaaaaat?! It's 3 a.m..."

Ashton: "How cool I am?!"

Children decided to spend some time on the fresh air before going to sleep.

Meanwhile at the background:

Angel decided to become a vegetarian and was eating flowers ('o')

I think it's a side effect of eating those flowers. Angel now can fly! :D

I was worried that girls didn't spend time together at all. But the activity table brought them together :)

And crazy smustle brought boys together :D

Super synchronously!

Oh, honey... I know, they are so cool, but there's no need to break your neck :O

Some romantics in the living room.

Angel: "Well, perfect! I can't watch TV now. Go away!"

*At the pet store*

Brendan: "Hmm... I saw this girl... She was stealing a chewing gum from the market. It's better not to trust her"

Ashton: "Hey, Ryan. Wake up. School bus is waiting!"

Well well, Ashton... It was you who prevent Ryan from sleeping last night with playing the piano =/

Odele: "Why should I clean up the dishes? This family eats too much!"

Boys' birthday! The first teens in Mellow Bay are coming!

It's Ryan who needs to buy a new clothes but… omg! I want to see them as adults!!! I'm in love for 100500 time... I post this picture because he reminds me Hiccup from "How To Train Your Dragon" Haha, oh may be I went mad :D

As you probably guessed I'm just very pleased with boys as teenagers ^^ And as always, Ashton is in red, Ryan is in yellow.

Both boys rolled Family aspiration, and for the second Ryan rolled romance and Ashton knowledge :)

Their life time wants:

Oh, I'm not sure about 6 children. Even four seems much for me. We will see!

Their gender preferences:



Odele was trying to teach Angel a new command.

Odele: "Roll!"

Angel: "Wut?"

It was hopeless =/

Years had passed but nothing changed. Ryan still sees only hieroglyphics.

Girls also had some tough times with their home works.

Tina: "When this hell will end?"

And here are some napping :)

Then Tina got tired and decided to take a break from her homework. And left 1 per cent undone :D

No for homework, yes for drawing!

Angel is making a progress and now she knows a new command to roll over.

Ryan: "If she will fall, I'll close the box >:)"

Oh oh. Someone decided to use some static electricity on her brother :O

Lina: "Did you want to close me in the box?"

Lina: "Take that!"


Lina: "Ashton is quite another matter. He is so cool and talented. Just look how he's skiing in SSX3! And he doesn’t want to close me in the box"

I'd say it's too early, Brendan :D

Lina: "Ah, chamomile <3"

I love them too, my girl Т_Т

Odele: "I'll play classic music for you while you are studying. I hear it can help to brain activity"

Ashton: "The time is put off, mum. Now you can help us only by doing our homework yourself"

*back to the pet store*

Everything is fine. There are a lot of customers in outer wears as it's winter outside :)

The elder townie with funny ears decided to buy a kitty.

Kitty: "Buy me, grandpa. Pleeeeeease (*_*)"

Luca: "Buy this cat - you won't regret!"

Luca: "She will even pee in your shoes!"

Funny ears: "Eeeee?"

Luca, your selling skills are amazing :D

Hardworking men >:) 1

By the way, funny ears didn't buy the cat. But he bought an aquarium that price is really really high. That's cool :)

Meahwhile behind the store one of the customers was playing with a random dog.

It's the funniest dog I've ever seen :D

And the doggy seems to be vegetarian just like Angel :D

Thank you, Mr. Funny ears :3

Butterflies, are you drunk? It's winter -_-"

Lina: "Mom! Mom! Mom, wake up! I have A+!"

Tina: "My turn. Mom! Mom! Mom, wake up! I have A+!

And then Odele came to congratulate girls who were sleeping by that time. They interchanged :D

Angel came from work...

Sorrow and despair. Sorrow and despair everywhere.

Look! This time pengu has come in a snowy weather! Miracle!

Pengu: "Hello, my dear friend! We haven't seen each other since my school-days!"

Angel: "Give me that what you are eating whatever it is."

Angel: "Pleeease ><"

Odele: "Aaaw.."

*me joining Odele*

Oh this custom food :D Stop drinking, Luca. You'll burst :D

Jumping over the puddles they were hurrying up to school bus. These children really love school. They are strange :D (said Lesya who works as a school teacher :D)

Pretty Anne by starlla was jogging despite the fact that it was very cold outside.

Anne: "Hey, ppl!"

She doesn't seem to worry about weather ay all.

Angel got promoted and reached the top of her cat career which is a show business.

And it's that feeling when it's a working car of your cat:

And it's a working car of your sim:


Angel: "Yeah, baby, I'm even richer than my owners now"

Angel decided to celebrate her promotion and drink some juice.

Angel: "But what? Don't look at me like this? Why cats are allowed to work like people but not allowed to drink?"

Oh wow! It's going to be very interesting. All the children from Mellow Bay in one place :)

Though the first thing that Sabrina did was smustling. Oh... Korman household is the most dancing household in history :D

Jaylee: "Oh, Sabrina, are you ok? I'm worrying"

Said Jaylee

and started dancing too :D

Some smustling faces. They are so cute ><

Lina was the first who tried to communicate.

Sabrina: "Hey, guys! Look how I'm moving yeeeaaaah"


Odele rolled a want to buy kitten/puppy and it's really cool! May be now when there'll be another cat in the house, Angel would stop being so grumpy :D

So they adopted Oliver :3 Ashton is cuddling him so hard here :D I understand you, man.

By the way Ashton also had a want to have a kitten :) Hope, he and Odele will take care of this little fluffy ^^

Here are the proper pictures of Oliver:

Back to girls. Now they are smustling without their quests *headdesk*

Jaylee was waiting while someone would talk to her.

But girls were enjoying their own company. May be next time you'll be lucky, Jaylee.

Oliver was trying to occupy Angel's bed. Noooo! Don't do it, grumpy cat will be angry ><

But she wasn't and sleeping calmly in the living room among children' toys and books :)

Ashton rolled a want to get a badge in toy making. How about the first toy's store in Mellow Bay in the future? ;)

His first attempts to become a good toy maker weren't so successful.

But he reached good results quite soon :)

The only minus of having bunk beds. Jumping on it can be rather traumatically :'(

Spring has come. Poor Mr. Snowman :(

There was an attempt to sell the kitty #2. Come on! This kitty wants to get own home so much!

And yes! He bought the cat! Say hello to the new one. I hope, someone will buy you too, cutie :)

Meanwhile there was an elder party in the pet store :D Oh, when I'll be an elder I'll also have 5 cats :D

The funny doggy was also hurrying to the party :D She is now a frequent visitor on Luca's lot.

This round is ending with pictures of Oliver as he's so adorable :3

There were so many pictures in this update because there are now so many sims (and cats :D) I hope you are not tired and enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading and Happy Simming!

mellow bay, round 4: dimarco, the sims 2, round 4, dimarco family

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