Title: Sabotage
lestrange_love aka Vickie
Rating: G
Summary: Hermione may have not been ready, but her husband was.
Genre: Fluff
Spoilers: EWE
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, not me. No profit is being made on this, it was written just for fun.
Notes: Thanks to beta Meiri, and to hp1fan. This drabble came about from a comment TinkWolfe made. So thank you Tink.
Molly bustled around the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, fixing breakfast for the various occupants. She forked more bacon and sausages onto the platter in the middle of the table and cast a critical eye over her extended flock.
Despite the fact that all her children were now adults and some, in Bill’s and Percy’s cases, were married and had children of their own, she still felt the need to mother them relentlessly.
“Have some more bacon, dear,” she said to Harry as she loaded his plate with more bacon, sausages and toast.
As she placed a fresh pitcher of pumpkin juice on the table, a frown marred her face when she saw Hermione sitting near the end of the table nibbling on a piece of dry toast.
“Hermione dear, are you sure you don’t want something more to eat?”
“No, I’m okay thank you Molly,” Hermione answered as she rubbed her stomach.
“Are you sure dear? I could make you some bacon, egg, sausage and tomatoes.”
Hermione shook her head as she raised her glass of pumpkin juice to her lips; she took a small sip before putting the glass back down.
“You still not feeling well, Hermione,” Ron asked spraying food all over the table.
“Ronald, don’t speak with your mouth full,” Hermione chastised, “and no, I’m don’t feeling any better.”
“Have you seen a healer,” Molly asked coming round the table. She put her hand on Hermione head checking to see if she had a fever.
“No I haven’t.”
“You should really see a healer,” Molly fussed.
“I’m okay,” Hermione assured the matronly witch. “I’ve just got that stomach bug that’s been going around. Luna had it last week.”
“If you’re sure,” Molly said, worried.
“It comes and goes, I’ll be fine later.”
“How long have you been ill now, dear?” Molly studied the young Muggleborn witch carefully.
Hermione thought over the question counting back she answered, “Nearly a week.”
A smile threatened to break out over Molly face. “You say it comes and goes?”
“Yes,” Hermione answered. “I’m up during the night feeling sick but as the day progress I begin to feel better.”
“Hermione is it possible that you’re pregnant,” Molly asked no longer able to conceal her smile.
“No, we take a potion...” Hermione started, but trailed off at the smirking face of her husband.
“Yeah, but it only works if both partners take it,” was her husband’s smug reply.
“SIRIUS BLACK!” was the scream heard through Grimmauld Place.