Fans of burningeden please read.

Apr 19, 2009 20:44

Hello all. I wanted to give you an update (or first date, if you haven't heard yet) on burningeden.  If you follow my posts, you've probably read her stories at some point...

She's be an inpatient in the hospital since Thursday morning and it's likely to be another 3-5 days before she's even eligible to come home. Needless to say she's very sick and, though she's doing fairly well, she's not in a great state these days. She certainly can't write right now, so if you are one of the many people who've been requesting new fics from her it might be best to hold off for a bit while she's so sick.

I'm sure she'll welcome the requests when she gets home and has gotten settled back into her routine. Until then, please send her well-wishes rather than requests. She's feeling a bit blue these days...

It dawned on me that perhaps no one's told the communities that she participates in that she's been out of commission this week.
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