You are worth 1 dollar.....I am worth 10 ( :

Feb 16, 2004 15:05

So today I thought I'd get up early for once, and I got up at 10. But when I was ready and everything, there was nothing to do. I told my mom she should take me out to breakfast since me being up before 12 on a weekend was something to celebrate, but she said she had stuff to do. Then when I got out of the  shower, she told me she was going to Ann Arbor to meet my dad for lunch. Oh well. At least I'll be getting out of the house soon and be going to Olive Garden soon with Maddie.

This weekend went pretty well. It was odd because when I got home from school on Friday, my brother told me that my grandparents were coming over soon. I had no idea. They ended up leaving on Sunday morning while I was sleeping.  Then around 2, my aunt, uncle, and cousin suddenly showed up. I don't even know why. I haven't seen them in awhile though. And I felt miserable so I didn't talk to them much.

The cafe was real fun on Saturday. It was cool watching Loren and Drew play/sing. I liked the Dashboard they played. I met some new people that night, but I don't think I'll ever really see them again. There were people there that I had expected to see....
I am losing my voice because of this cold and I sound ridiculous. Haha. One of my brothers friends called this morning and when I answered I couldn't really talk. And I think he was laughing at me. ):
I wonder who's having the next 'movie night.' Maybe I will. I couldn't this last weekend, I had too many relatives over. I am waiting.
Well, I'm off to eat breadsticks and tiramisu, tchao!
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