What time are you starting this? 1:09 AM
Name?Lindsay Krysta
Nicknames? Kryshtata, Kringo, Special K, .. I know there are other ones, but eh... too lazy.
Date of birth? February 20, 1988
Sex? Female
Height? 5'4
Eye color? ...They're blue at the moment.
Where were you born? Ohio
Number of candles on your last birthday cake? 17
Pets? 2 cats. Evie and Faye Faye.
Hair color? blonde
Piercings? 2 in each ear.
Town you live in? Oxford
Favorite foods? ...I could list them all, but once again, too lazy.
Ever been to Africa? no
Been toilet papering? nope
Love someone so much it made you cry? That's between me and Toan..lol.
Been in a car accident? ... Surprisingly, no.
Croutons or bacon bits? ...bacon bits win.
Favorite day of the week? Friday
Favorite resturant? Schmitts... or Bob Evans..or or..damnit.. too many.
Favorite flower? red roses
Favorite sport to watch? ...um... to watch?... I guess figure skating. It's fucking crazy the stuff they can do.
Favorite drink? Mountain Dew
Favorite ice cream flavor? .. I usually answer this specifically, but any ice cream is good ice cream.
Warner Bros. or Disney? both
Favorite fast food restuarant? I'm gonna say Long John Silver's today.
Carpet color in your bedroom? ..beige... a very boring beige.
How many times did you fail your driver's test? Haven't taken it yet..lala.
Whom did you get your last email from? My grandma probably.
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? There's no way in hell I could pick JUST ONE!
What do you do most often when you are bored? ..doodle...or stare into space.
Most annoying thing to say to me? hm.. probably "What do you want?" lol.
Bedtime? Don't really have one.
Favorite TV show? Um.... America's Next Top Model's the only one I've really been watching lately, so I guess that's it.
Last person you went out to dinner with? CATT!
Been out of country? Nope
Believe in magick? Yep
Ford or Chevy? ... As long as it runs, I don't honestly give a shit.
What are you listening to right now? haha... "Riot Girl" Good Charlotte
Have you ever failed a grade? no
If you have, what grade did you fail? lalalala.
Do you have a crush on someone? yeah
Do you have a bf/gf? nope
If so, what is their name? ......lol... well...Lacey said she'd be my boyfriend..lol.
How long have you been together? 2 days..lol.
What are you wearing right now? .. a pair of Blondie pajama pants, a white tank top and a red sweatshirt.
Do you believe in sex before marriage? As long as you love them and trust them, yes.
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers? ..lol..yeah.. It was one of the oddest crushes I've ever said.
Are you a virgin? Yes
Do you smoke? No
Do you drink? Occasionally
Are you ghetto? haha.. not really.
Are you a player? ..oo yeah.. I cheat on everyone. (inside joke..cammy....I'M SO CHEATING ON YOU WITH LACEY NOW..MWAHAHAHA) Wow, I'm kinda stupid sometimes.
What are your favorite colors? green, purple, and..red. That's almost Christmasy.
What is your favorite animal? Hmm.. even though I'm the fish whisperer, I'm going to have to say a cheetah.
Do you have any birthmarks? ...haha.. it went away... and no, I'm not telling you where it was.
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked? ..haha..fuck no.
Who do you talk to most on the phone? Kurtis.. **twitch** Because he calls almost EVERY FUCKING DAY!!!
Have you ever been slapped? lol..yeah. Mostly ass-slappings though.
Do you get online a lot? ...yes
Are you shy or outgoing? depends on my mood and the people I'm around.
Do you shower? yes
Do you hate school? eh..not really.
Do you have a social life? 'm developing one.
How easily do you trust people? More easily than I should. Haha.. That sounded quite bitter.
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? eh... I have a lot of secrets... and maybe they'd be surprised. I guess that all depends on who it is.
Would you ever sky dive? ...no. Something about jumping out of a plane just doesn't seem smart.
Do you like to dance? Yes
Have you ever been out of state? of course
Do you like to travel? ..yeah.
Have you ever been expelled from school? no
Have you ever been suspended from school? surprisingly, no.
Do you want to get out of your hometown? ... well.. technically I am out of my hometown..haha.
Are you spoiled? Yes and no.
Are you a brat? haha..yeah.
Have you ever been dumped? ... no comment.
Have you ever gotten high? not on purpose.
Do you like snapple? .. You know.. I really don't know.
Do you drink a lot of water? yes!
What toothpaste do you use? ..Whatever is in my cabinet.
Do you have a cell phone? yes
Do you have a curfew? ..no
Who do you look up to? eh.. a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons.
Are you a role model? God, I hope not. Nobody should look up to me. Somehow that's inevitably going to fuck them up.
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? Yes, Cedar Point.
What name brand do you wear the most? Umm.. I honestly don't know.
What kind of jewelry do you wear? Whatever strikes me that day.
What do you want pierced? ..lower lip.
Do you like taking pictures? Yes, it amuses me.
Do you like gettin your picture taken? No, it makes me uncomfortable.
Do you have a tan? ..That is a cruel question..haha. No, I'm as pale as a ghost.
Do you get annoyed easily? sometimes
Have you ever started a rumor? no
Do you have your own phone or phone line? nope
Do you have your own pool? ... I wish..
Do you prefer boxers or briefs? You know.. it doesn't really matter much to me.
Do you have any siblings? Nope, only child.
Have you ever been played? ...yes
Have you ever played anyone? yes.. For some reason I have this tendency to play games with people. It's kind of stupid, but for some reason I keep doing it. Some kind of revenge dealy I guess.
Do you get along with your parents? Usually
How do you vent your anger? ............... I scream?
Have you ever ran away? ..haha.. didn't get very far.
Have you ever been fired from a job? not yet.
Do you even have a job? no
Do you daydream a lot? yes
Do you have a lot of ex's? no
Do you run your mouth? haha....yeah.. Don't know when the fuck to shut up.
What do you want a tattoo of? Hm.. my family crest and/or an eye.
What do you have a tattoo of? Don't have one yet.
What does your ex bf/gf look like? lalala..no comment.
Are you still in love with any of your exes? no
Are you still friends with any of your exes? yes'm.
Have any of your exes started liking you after you broke up? no
What does your most recent crush look like? lalalala.
Whats her/his name? lalalalala.
Have you ever been bitched out? haha..yeah.. For some reason I tend to laugh when that happens.
Are you rude? Ooo yes.
What was the last compliment you recieved? ..That I have pretty eyes.
Do you like getting dirty? Hm.... That's kind of an odd question.
Are you flexiable? No.. I am not extremely flexible.
What is your heritage? ... Scottish, German, British, 3 different native american tribes, Irish, and a lot of other stuff.
What is your lucky number? 13
What does your hair look like right now? .. It looks like.. hair?
Could you ever be a vegetarian? ... No.. Wish I could be though.
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? ...Hmm... Right now, I'm feeling blood red.
Would you ever date someone younger than you? no
Would you ever date someone older than you? No comment.
When was the last time you were drunk? ....Um.. 4 or 5 months ago.
How many rings until you answer the phone? ..However many times it rings until I get to the damned phone!
Have you ever been skinny dipping? no
If yes, when was the last time? n/a
When was the last time you went on a date? .....no comment.
Do you look more like your mother or father? I look a lot like both.
Do you cry a lot? Not really.
Do you ever cry to get your way? lol. No, but I pretend like I'm going to. You all know I'm faking it..JEEZ!) lol.
What phrase do you use most when on the phone? uh-huh..yeah..ok..whatever..yeah..uh-huh..yeah, I'm still here..lol.
Are you the romantic type? ...yes
Have you ever been chased by cops? not yet
What do you like most about your body? ..my ass!
What do you like least about your body? Hm.. probably all of my scars.
When did you have your first crush? ... Kindergarten.
When was the last time you threw up? ..The last time I was drunk.
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes? I tend to gravitate towards blondes for some odd reason.
Do you ever wear shirts that show your belly? yes
What about cleavage? ..What cleavage? lol.
Is your best friend a virgin? .. A lot of them aren't. A few are.
Have you ever fucked someone up? lalalalala..
Have you ever been fucked up? ... There are a lot of ways to take that. Fucked up as in..fucked? no. fucked up as in drunk off my ass? yes. Fucked up as in beaten down? no.
What theme does your room have? ...It doesn't have a theme.
What size shoe do you wear? 7 1/2 to 8.
What is your screen name on AIM? painedstorm and pandastormkll
How are you feeling right now? .. Hm.. nifty.
When was the last time you were at a party? Umm.. over the summer.
Have you ever given a lapdance? no
Have you ever recieved one? no
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you? Of course.
What is one of your bad qualilties? I push people away and I try to detach myself from emotions.
What is one of your good qualilties? Hm.. I guess that I'm pretty non-judgemental.
Would you marry for money? haha..... that is such a stupid question. Of course I wouldn't.
What do you drive? The Crazy Catlady Car (CCC).
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child? .. hm.. I'm more of a grandma's girl...lol.
When was the last time you cried in school? ...When I threw the chair.
Would you ever hook up with the same sex? .. probably not.
What kind of music do you like? ... eh... stuff with emotion, but not whiny.
Would you ever bungee jump? no.
What is your worst fear? Waking up one day and realizing I've wasted my life.
Would you ever join the army? no.
Do you like cows? ......According to Amy.. I have a major thing against cows..lol. Hm.. holy shit.. she graduated my sophmore year. Wow, the random things that make me think of people.
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be? ..a single word? Hmm.. heartbeat.
Do you like to party? somtetimes.
Hearts or broken hearts? .. both.
Moons or stars? both
Coke or pepsi? PEPSI!!
Favorite scent? I liike the smell of chocolate..and for some reason I like the smell of that GODDAMNED Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. (kill me).
Favorite band? Don't really have one.
Would you ever dye your hair red? ..Didn't I say earlier I would?
How many languages can you speak? ENGLISH.. is the only language I speak fluently. I know bits and pieces of other languages, but not enough to like.. communicate using it.
What time are you finishing this? 1:42 A.M.