Nov 16, 2003 15:51
The Agora (an ArtSci literary magazine that I was co-editor of last year) is having a poetry contest. I know few people actually take the time to submist stuff (I know because last year I had to beg them to, and still the content was still a lot of my stuff submitted 'anonymously'), so I think I have a pretty good chance at winning one of the prizes ($25, $50 or $75). Any free money would be greatly welcome ^__^
Anyway, so this year's editors have chosen a vacation theme for the first issue. I submitted a poem entitled "honeymoon" cuz I think that fits into a subheading of vacation. Of course, the theme is not restricting to the subject matter, but it was just more of a challenge. So I chose the format of a palindrome poem. The words of each line make sense whether read backwards or forwards. It was really tricky to do. Here's what I came up with:
kissing lips
soft honey tasting
bodies embracing
tumble round and round
round and round tumble
embracing bodies
tasting honey soft
lips kissing