Dec 17, 2002 21:39
Yesterday was a good day.. today was all right too... though I slept through half of it *oops* Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my friend Dianna.. she's going to be driving, so I'm a *little* nervous cuz she really hasn't driven anywhere other than with driver's ed or her parents... but I'm sure things will go well. We're going to the mall in the morning, so I hope it isn't too busy.... crowded malls make me angry >:(
I'm still very upset with myself because I haven't been able to sit down and finish essays ... a few of which are now a month overdue.... having this open-ended deadline doesn't help... I try to set deadlines for myself.. like I wanted to have my history essay done by today... but stuff keeps coming up, or I'm depressed and I can't focus..... *grrr*
So I'm hoping to do more work tonight... but I'm kinda tired, but damn it, I've got to pull my act together. I guess I'll see how it goes.