Jun 10, 2006 11:19
My teaching friend Natalie got free tickets to the Tiger Cats game last night, and she invited me out. It was a good game (Ti Cats beat the Argos 21-11), and afterwords I went back to Natalie's house to chat with her parents and her parents' friends who lived in my old house on Garfield before my family moved in (small world!).
Anyway, the main point of this post was that I wanted to write down a thought that occurred to me today. I thought about giving some background from the conversation last night, but rather than go into detail, all I'm going to say is that envious comments were made about how someone's home and family always looked perfect and successful. The response given was that things may look perfect to you, but you don't know what goes on behind closed doors. The thought that occurred to me today is:
Success is not what other people see; rather, it's what you feel.
I feel successful. I don't have my own class, so some people might think I'm not as successful, but I work as much as I want to, and I have fewer responsibilities, so I can do the things that I love like getting involved in musicals, reading for pleasure, and socializing. All my friends that are teaching full-time or have LTOs may have benefits and a bit more stability in their lives, but they sure are lot more stressed than I am.
In other success semi-related news, from the PayDay lottery tickets that I won from Y108, when I checked them after the Thursday draw, I had won 5 free tickets and $14! Maybe I'll win the jackpot next week. ;)
Edit: Here are some quotes on success that are akin to what I was thinking:
Henry Ward Beecher: No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.
Elbert Hubbard: He has achieved success who has worked well, laughed often, and loved much.
Chinese Proverb: The journey is the reward.
Does anyone have more to share?
big ideas