Swiped from jo

Apr 25, 2004 23:08

By the way- Joooo! I misseth you!

Would you rather....
[ 01 ] be invisible or be able to fly? Fly. So I can drop things on people XD
[ 02 ] be rich or good looking? Rich. I need money to buy things to make me good looking XD Actually I'd squander my riches on books and stuff
[ 03 ] be small and fast or strong and slow? strong and slow I guess. I dunno
[ 04 ] have a lightsaber or a hoverboard? Lightsaber! ~VWOOM VWOOM~
[ 05 ] read minds or have a time machine? eh. I don't like time machines- too Dr Who so reading minds sounds good. That way I could see if my paranoia is justified XD
[ 06 ] be a hacker or a bank robber? hacker. You don't need a getaway vehicle
[ 07 ] be tough or nice? tough. I'm too nice and I get walked all over
[ 08 ] be talented or clever? Both! I would like a little extra talent right now though
[ 09 ] have a boy/girl friend or a sweet car? Cars bore me and I suck at driving so it'd never leave the parking space XD I want someone to looove
[ 10 ] breathe underwater or see in the dark? see in the dark. Though breathing underwater would be cool- I'd be a mermaid!... so yeh- changing to that
[ 11 ] have a good body or be a good lover? Good lover *wiggles eyebrows* Actually both
[ 12 ] have a better memory or have more experiences? More experiences... but good ones!
[ 13 ] have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Who gives a damn about gender?!
[ 14 ] nite or night? night.. cause that's the way you're supposed to spell it, lol <-- yupyupyup. <--- *agreement*
[ 15 ] be shy or have bad breath? be shy. I am anyway. It's better than smelling
[ 16 ] bruce lee or jackie chan? Jackie Chan!
[ 17 ] die by falling off a rollar coaster or by being lit on fire? Oh what a nice choice! *rolls eyes* Rollercoaster I guess...though the other one is more likely... Me- a pyro? Noo... ahem
[ 18 ] die by drowning or by being buried alive? Eek! These aren't nice! Drowing cos it'd probably be faster and less claustrophobic. Also I could be like Ophelia
[ 19 ] own a big cabin in the rockies or a small apartment in new york city? eh.. can I say neither?
[ 20 ] grow two feet or shrink two feet? grow two feet. I am teeny
[ 21 ] snore or talk in your sleep? Talk in my sleep. I do. It's disturbing
[ 22 ] get five piercings or five tattoos? five piercings (hey I got that many! XD I want more!). I want tattoos but I'm not sure I want five
[ 23 ] forget your name or everyone else's? What is my name?
[ 24 ] be stranded on an island with a clueless hottie or someone gross with survival training? eh... the hottie. I am shallow. At least I wouldn't be bored ^_~
[ 25 ] have wheels instead of legs or wings instead of arms? Wings! I want wings! Seriously
[ 26 ] change your past or know your future? neither really... ok.. the past
[ 27 ] power to calm everyone down or get them really excited? hyper hyper hyper!
[ 28 ] always lose or never play? *shrug* I lose anyway
[ 29 ] know it all or have it all? have it all. I want to learn forever.<-- goodgood
[ 30 ] be normal and ignored or brilliant and disliked? Brilliant and disliked. I am XD
[ 31 ] wake up and find yourself in the middle of a desert or the middle of the arctic? Arctic! I don't like bright sunlight... but there could be penguins! it's a lose-lose situation!
[ 32 ] have a dumb song stuck in your head all day or hit your funny bone every hour? Dumb song stuck in my head. It is always the case
[ 33 ] give bad advice or take it? take bad advice. if i gave it i would feel guilty ... and if i took it then i might learn a lesson <-- yup<---yeh
[ 34 ] never be sick or never be sad? never be sad (sickness make me sad anyway)
[ 35 ] if you could have more of something, what would it be? looove or talent
[ 36 ] if you had to trade places with someone who would it be? eh... Louis... for perverted yaoi reasons... similarly Bam Margera- I intend to seduce Ville Valo in yaoi-ish style XD I'm insane
[ 37 ] what person, band or celebrity would you get rid of if you could? THE DARKNESS. <---- yep!!! And Avril!
[ 38 ] if you could wish evil on someone, who would you choose? eh. So many people, so little time
[ 39 ] what would you want to be remembered for? being bloody weird
[ 40 ] did you like this survey + why or why not? twas ok

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