Jan 13, 2008 02:13
So I haven't written an entry in this thing in what seems like an eternity. I'm bored though, so here's an update on how things in my life are going: I've got a great job that I couldn't be more happy to have. I think I actually found what I'm supposed to do in life...who knew I should be a teacher? Yeah that's right, I'm a preschool teacher now. I've been doing it for about 7 months now and I absolutely love it. I have a classroom full of three year olds. They keep me on my toes, but everyday is something new. I spend most of my time working now, so I don't go out much during the work week anymore. I have weekends off though so I still go out then. I've made some new friends here in Charlotte that are pretty cool, mostly from work. I don't get up to Lexington much anymore. Life has kind of changed in that area. We're all growing up and don't party as much as we used to. I miss those days sometimes, but I enjoy where my life is headed. I do feel a little strange being the only single person in the group sometimes, but then what's new there right? lol. I actually have a better grip on being single than I used to in the past. It's fun now. Hmm...I think that's about it actually. Nothing really new to report other than that. Oh, I'm drawing again. I have downtime when the kids are napping, so when I'm done with my paperwork I doodle. I've done a few cool pieces lately. I think the creative juices are flowing again finally. Who knows, I might even start writing again at some point.