Sep 15, 2009 09:26
After 2 weeks of job searching both in and out of Singapore, I must conclude that the job situation in Singapore is quite bad...I'm contemplating if I will end up as a lesser version of our beloved Dr Cai. There is really very little that I can apply for outside of a career in Research and Development. And I have no intentions of wasting time in ASTAR again. But its kind of sad, I've only been called up for lecturing positions so far. Its kind of flattering considering that I don't have my phd yet. But somehow I did wish for better. Maybe I'm being too impatient. Its only been how long?
I've been actively trying to expand and establish my network locally. Have to really kick myself hard for having never actually bothered. Probably because I never thought that I would be stuck here for such a long time. But its been fun. So far, I've met one CEO, courtesy of K, who was wonderfully enlightening. There are however many other clowns. Probably not worth talking more about.
To see if the foreign job market is more competitive, I decided to try for one position in a patent law firm. And surprise surprise, they were much more interested. They did not even care that I do not have a law background to supplement my technological expertise (which was the requirement). Instead, they gave me two patent documents (96 and 261 pages) to read over the weekend, and dig out their major differences. It was a painful experience to say the least, because the inventions were very very similar, but somehow, I managed to meet the requirements. Anyway, point is. I think I have much better chances of getting a job overseas. And they are much more enthusiastic too if they are interested in you. Hmm...maybe I should apply for a few more and see what comes. Maybe it would be a worthy trade off against doing a phd and dealing with the damn visa office again.
To be honest, right now, I don't feel very sciencey anymore. And I blame you, yes you, UK home office for wearing my mind out this way.