Jan 16, 2006 23:30
Sorry to keep ya'll in suspense. So Thursday was my trial for one of the bullshit offenses by the NOPD from last year. I played it a little risky (which upon second thought, I won't go into here.) but in the process of playing it risky I managed to get all the charges against me from both incidents last year dropped. This was all accomplished by my lawyer without so much as a word from me. The lawyer, happened to have been paid for by my lawyer friend in KY, because he's just that nice of a guy. So all in all, the whole thing cost me nothing other than the rough handling of the cops during the actual incidents. 2006, you are quickly becoming a friend of mine.
In other news, Gordon Biersch is a cheap fucking place to work. It's not the fact that they gave us a $250 cash bonus for returning, when most companies were handing out $1000 a month checks or more to their employees without making them commit to return to work, and even Burger King is giving out $250 a week for a sigining bonus. Nor is it that they never called to check on their hourly employees until December rolled around and they decided that it would be cheaper if they could retain staff, rather than having to hire an all new crew.
No, I can look past those things because after all they are a business. What pisses me off, is that they have the gall to sit there and tell us how worried they were for us and how great a company they are because they "care" about their employees. Bullshit. Just tell me I'm replaceable, put your fucking cards on the table and call a spade a spade. Basically, I was seeing how much my cash bonus was going to be before I decided how much I was willing to give them for Mardi Gras. At this point I'm gonna use them with as little loyalty as they have been using me with. It's good to know where we stand.
I have been working out and running for a week now. I still feel like a pregnant seal, but at least the blubber is firmer.