This morning, the decision to try out for law school had me and
parksoobyung walking around UP with barely any sense of direction. Since I've already settled into a routine that doesn't really involve long long long (long) walks under the sun, it was pretty tiring. And that was after dropping by my old university to get my transcript. *__*
I got back to the office exhausted, not really ready for work. I was scared to open my email, fearing the possibility of a bajillion job orders. So I ended checking my twitter. Lo and behold! People started posting screencaps of the TONE concert goods~ Needless to say, it was an instant energy booster. :3 AVEX made a crazy assortment of goods but I'm actually looking forward to spending my money on some of them. The BigEast jumbo towel is definitely at the top of my things-to-buy list. I'd probably get the concert shirt and cellphone charm too. ^o^ ARGGGHHH. I really hope we get to watch. D: