The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick
You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times.
Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness!
Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be? Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.
Broken Social Scene - Cause = Time
Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You Into the Dark
Coldplay - Don't Panic
The Stills - Lola Stars and Stripes
The Dismemberment Plan - The City
Enon - Knock That Door
Of Montreal - Wraith Pinned to the Mist
tagged(but not really):