This community is based off of which was founded in May 2009 in response to the popular site, (FML). On FML, people share stories explaining how their day was completely ruined. is a positive spin on FML.
Some stories just cannot be contained in 350 characters, and those stories moved to Livejournal. It started off as a meme, but all those magnificent stories deserved to be documented, and the idea became something much more; it turned into this community.
This community is for sharing those stories that inspire hope within you--random acts of kindness, your own experiences, overheard conversations--that cannot be limited to just 350 characters; this includes long stories, images, music and videos! Whatever fills you with hope or inspiration!
Because with all of the hurt and suffering in the world, who couldn't use a few more reasons to hope each day?
Suggest it for a Spotlight!】
If you participated in the meme by posting in your own journal, please
repost your story.
If you participated in the meme, but would prefer your story to remain anonymous, please
leave your story in an anonymous comment and it will be reposted using the anonymous sock journal,