So there's this English, family-oriented sci-fi show that finished it's 30th season last year. Doctor Who. You've all heard about it, even if not all of you watch it (omg, watch it!).
The thing you must understand about this show, is that it is the crackiest show on TV. Ever.
Yes, I know - I watch Supernatural too. I've seen Joss Whedon's shows, and Charmed, and other show with a high amount of "lol wtf"-scenes. But Doctor Who got them all beat!
As epic, lulzy proof, I have written a short summary (mostly one or two sentences) for each episode of the latest seasons. Don't worry, non-Who-fans (omg watch it!!), I don't give away the ending. Much.
If you're spoilerphobic, don't read this.
Season 1/27, a.k.a. "wtf have I gotten myself into? ...Why do people even like this?"
Ep 1 - Rose
The Doctor saves Rose from homicidal, living plastic shop window dummies, blows up her place of work and insults her boyfriend.
This is why I ship these two.
Ep 2 - The End of the World
In the future, Britney Spears is considered classical music. Also, The Doctor has sexual tension with a tree and Rose gets alien spit in her eye.
Ep 3 - The Unquiet Dead
The Doctor, Rose and Charles Dickens fight off killer ghost zombies from outer space on Christmas Eve in Cardiff.
Ep 4 - Aliens of London
Farting human suit wearing green aliens fake an alien invasion by fake!pig!aliens to take over the British government. Meanwhile, The Lord of Time confuses hours with months (don't worry Doc, it could happen to anyone).
Ep 5 - World War Three
In the epic part 2, the farting human suit wearing green aliens plan continue as... well, planned. Meanwhile, Rose and The Doctor stare soulfully at each other and have a few drinks.
Ep 6 - Dalek
Rose almost causes the end of human civilization, The Doctor is shirtless and gets tortured. This is a great one if you're a fan of the whumping!
Ep 7 - The Long Game
In the future, there's nothing to watch on TV except for really bad reality shows. It's up to Rose, The Doctor and Loserface (note - not his official name. But it should be.) to save the human race!
Ep 8 - Father's Day
Rose get hit on by her since long dead father in this wacky time-travel adventure! And The Doctor gets eaten, but not in a fun way.
Ep 9 - The Empty Child
The Doctor hangs out with orphans while Rose hangs from a balloon flying over London in the middle of the second world war, with German's dropping bombs all around her. Good one, Rose. Also, Captain Jack shows up and is faaaabolous.
Ep 10 - The Doctor Dances
In this EPIC second part, Rose, The Doctor and Jack try to fight of the threat of the gasmask people with nothing but a banana.
Ep 11 - Boom Town
It's the return of the farting human suit wearing green aliens! But don't worry, Team Awesome get together to save the world.
Ep 12 - Bad Wolf
When The Doctor mysteriously wakes up inside The Big Brother House, you know it's going to be good. And it is.
Ep 13 - The Parting of the Ways
Everyone makes out with everyone! This is what I call an awesome season finale.
Coming sometime later:y - Season 2/28 (a.k.a. "This show is cuter than kittens!").