LOST GIRL IS RENEWED FOR A SECOND SEASON OMGOMGOMG DYING OF JOYYY!!!If you're not watching Lost Girl yet, YOU SHOULD. It is brilliant. It is amazing. It is a bit like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Veronica Mars, and Dark Angel. So, clearly, it is amazing. SO, YEAH.
Bonus pimping:
ALTHOUGH. I'm still a few episodes behind.
TV comments:
• The Office 608 "Viewing Party"
Meh. That was a total letdown. You'd think a Glee-episode of The Office would be hilarious, right? Well, wrong, apparently!
Some lines were hilarious - Kelly's rant about plot holes and how Glee is "just irresponsible" cracked me up - but overall it were a pretty boring episode.
If I'd known before I started watching that the episode would be Glee-themed I would probably be even more disappointed with the boringness of it all than I am now.
Meh. :/
• The Big Bang Theory 408 "The 21-Second Excitation"
LOL. Oh Amy Farrah Fowler, I love you so. ♥ No, really, she's my most favoritest favorite. ♥_♥
The sleepover with Penny, Amy and Bernadette were kinda fun. "I think we just won truth or dare." haha! Although I hope this doesn't mean we'll have more Penny/Leonard on the show. Because... well, they did that already! And it was boring! :/
Oh, Wil Wheaton, you crack me up. Of course Sheldon follows him on twitter. XD
• Misfits 201
Monkeyslut. XD XD XD
"I should probably go tell my mom that I'm immortal." XD XD XD
Oh man, this show. THIS SHOW. I've missed this show! ♥
The characters are so awesome. And funny! Awesome and funny.
"Can we PLEASE stop killing our probation workers?!" XD XD XD
Oh man. I'm so happy this show is back!
• Psych 510 "Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part"
Speaking of shows I've missed - PSYCH IS BACK!!! \o/ \o/ \o/
Oh, Shawn. Oh, GUS! ♥ I'm so happy they're back!
I'm happy about Shawn/Jules. No more it-was-really-starting-to-get-old-UST! \o/ And he'll have to tell her the truth about his "gift" eventually, right? I look forward to that, it'll be interesting to see how she reacts. :D
So, yay. :)
• 30 Rock 507 "Brooklyn Without Limits"
Hahaha, oh, the jeans jokes were hilarious! "I'll take ten pairs!" XD
Uhm. That's pretty much all I have to say about this episode.
• Community 208 "Cooperative Calligraphy"
Boring. Boring, boring, boring. Boring and weird.
I mean, I love this show, but I know it can do sooo much better! This was just weird, unfunny, and, like I mentioned earlier, boring.
I was bored watching Community this week. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS!! (lol 11)
Oh well, the last two episodes were both amazing, so I guess I can just ignore this one.
• South Park 411-413
Oh. My. God.
This was brilliant. Completely fucking brilliant. Oh my god.
Kenny is immortal! That's why he never stays dead! And he's all angsty about it! XD XD XD
And Cartman - I'm sorry, "the Coon" - working with Cthulhu, omg! HAHAHA the cute kitten thing! XD "Do you know Mint Berry Crunch!?" XD
...Kenny McCormick = Nathan Young = Jack Harkness? OH MY GOD. :O
• Merlin today! \o/