Bad thing about automatically filling out the music I listened to while posting? THIS.

Apr 22, 2010 02:23

The character I first fell in love with: Dean! Because he was funny. I like funny. :P
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Castiel. I lost interested right before the s3 finale (I KNEW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN AND I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE IT. TOO SAD.) but plastichangers told me that I neeeeeded to watch s4. She was all fangirly about some new dude named Castiel and I ... didn't really believe her when she told me I'd love him? Yah. Ooops. Apparently, even Mia's right sometimes... :P
The character everyone else loves that I don't: Old!John. I looove young!John, but I just like old!John. ...that totally counts.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Bela? Ruby? Anna? Jo? Becky? IDK, it's like half the cast of the show ffs.
The character I would shag anytime: None of them.
The character I'd want to be like: ELLEN. <333
The character I'd slap: that sounds fun, so I'm gonna go with "all of them".
A pairing that I love: Sam/Ruby! ♥ (I could have answered Dean/Cas or Dean/Sam, but I wanted to be different, dammit.)
A pairing that I despise: Daddycest.
My five favorite characters: Castiel, Ruby, Bela, Dean&Sam (does SO count as one character shuddup), uhhhh Henriksen? Or Anna. Uhm. I can't chose.
My five least favorite characters: uhm. Then I'd have to list all the characters after how much I like them and pick the five at the bottom. And that sounds time consuming & boring. So whatever.
Which character I am most like: Sammy.
My deep, dark fandom secret: Man, I don't know. What's with these questions? They're hard, yo!

Because I haven't posted a meme in ages, and it feels like I haven't posted anything about SPN in a while either. So there. Problem solved. :P

meme, tv: supernatural

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