Jan 07, 2004 14:11
it's incredible that places like perth, so heavily populated, can still contain areas of mass isolation.
anyone flying from sydney to perth would be justified in their mock of our tiny town. anywhere to perth for that matter.
but as the past few weeks have taught me, the landscape between here and the horizon is as unknown to me as it is to anyone.
for one to say they hold a firm knowledge of their city, back to front, is merely a statement born from their perception of what their city holds of interest to them; what you see, based on the reasons why you go there and limited by the boundaries of considered importance placed within your life either by your own interests or by somebody else's (society's pop culture for example.)
you can visit perth everyday and follow the same circuit throughout your life, and say you know everything there is to know about the city; a self imposed façade - a truth as the term is known to you. the side alleys will continue to stand there waiting, with little self-interest in their popularity or charm. the buildings will run ribbons into the sky, curling away past your eyes content in always being turned towards the ground.
the places you haven't been are like a thick black smog, a congregation of the ultimate unknown, floating above their existence, clouding your birds-eye view of their presence and position within an open area you perceive to know perfectly well. for many, this area of darkness is not worth a moments hesitation; all they've come to see and do today is what they know and what they've always.
personally though… i would never state my knowledge of a place until its every upturned stone be at my memory and metaphysical command.
command…? -------
control is a wisdom that comes with a confident air. it does not exert power and it is not a built defense in response to fear. it is the calmness of person and mediation of situation. an understanding of living and waste and the time that we have.
there are a thousand ways to get to perth. take the freeway, or negotiate the roads around. we are all connected. the paths of our discussions inclusive, every movement we make, results in an outwards explosion of paths that we, often subconsciously, create.
take the bus in ponderance of that which grows around you, drive, or follow the powerlines by foot - a journey made by machinery everyday, finally made by man - a journey across what barren space we have given industrial advance, highly ignored for its artificial beauty, but one which comes to life upon our interest's peak.
and hey, why not take the river? can you imagine how that would feel? an entirely plausible form of transportation along a highly disregarded path, the likes of which was worshiped for their convenience once; now turned obsolete and indeed turned into static over the progression of time working with our familiarity, turning what seems to be into what must be, creating ignorance and a path well known to be the only one at all…
not ever having left this island, this island's all i know. time enough has come to pass to warrant an exploration of where society was not meant to go. an accomplishment in my eyes for insight into the pipes and fans that keep this city's fragile tourniquet so easily and thickly wrapped around this place.
today destruction found beauty. an unlikely movie, sidekicks, the creation of light as a destructive manifestation in the grace and centered movement of the soul.
and you can't tell whether the sun is setting or rising, because the glow it represents is final either way. to see each waking day in satisfaction or to see each waning sun as a resolution. either way, we must live in the direct knowledge that magic is what we see every day.
"you are here to confront bricks, not that stupid boy"
there is something we can all learn from this…
…or perhaps not.
if I could command a radar of what I haven't seen, I would make open spaces collide . . .