Jerry Stand Up is a song by band Something for Kate, centralized around the character of 'jerry'. The song critiques the life of said character - a life of process and unmet desire. jerry is anybody who follows the concrete path, anybody who works to a relentless schedule without any consideration of sideways deflection, anyone who has lost themselves to a profession or a life of secular design.
The lyrics to Jerry Stand Up can be found:
Jerry stand up
Pull back the curtains and let some light in
Quit your job
Because you hate it and it's wasting you
Once upon a time you were running
Singing to the crowd every morning
Once upon a time you were...
Jerry stand up
Am I the only one whose noticed that you've been missing?
Remember yourself man
Remember that you have chance and possibility
Once upon a time you were running
Singing to the crowd every morning
Once upon a time you were crazy
You're not getting any younger
All you need is fresh air
A nice new suit
A walk in the park every day or two
Fresh air
A nice new suit
A walk in the park every day or two
Fresh air
A nice new suit
A walk in the park every day or two
Every day
In every way
Every day
Once upon a time you were running
Singing to the crowd every morning
Once upon a time you were crazy
Crazy (Once apon a time you were)
Crazy (Once apon a time you were)
Crazy (Once apon a time you were)
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A week ago I became annoyed at the endless stream of cars. None of their inhabitants would exit their cars and look deep into the sky. None would stop to make use of the benches along the foreshore. All were chained to their position, chained as they moved from home to work to home.
My annoyance lead to thought and I soon created
this. Soon, the very simple idea evolved, with the creative interjection of Kate, into a project of sizeable potential.
What it is, exactly, is the attempt to open the eyes of the general public. We act as a reminder that life is not forever, and that this is their only chance.
Donning our business attire in satirical caricature of these robotic men and women, we hold signs of our design, to the tune of Jerry Stand Up, in an attempt to awaken the lost minds within.
We want to put choice back into their lives. We don't believe that life was meant to be a train along metal tracks. Choices and change and spiritual things have all been lost in a linear crawl towards the grave.
We want this to be as big (influential) as possible. If you have an interest that is a start - talk to Kate or I on the subject. This is not a joke to us, and by the date, we would like a dedication in mimic of our own. A commitment to come together on the day and spread our… and hopefully your… sight into their world.
Interest has been shown on Kate's journal by a number of people which is really encouraging. I have also begun work on flyers and as soon as I'm in control of sticker paper I can start printing. The people who have spoken:
Lexi, Brad,
sourgirli, Sam.
But I'm not sure who out of these are actually interested in partaking in the exercise, so confirmation would be great.
People I'm looking at with a wondering face are:
oo_wah, Anna.
Just because I know you're into the band. Maybe it's not enough to propel you, maybe it is, and maybe you don't know about this yet.
A date hasn't of yet been set, but Kate and I will work on Thursday to this and other ends. If you're interested in, on top of participating in the event, the development of signs or flyers, again, let Kate or I know! The same goes for questions and ideas. If you have friends we don't know that display an interest then by all means let them in! But by the (soon to be determined) date, I would like to be able to compile a list of all of those involved.
The sfk fan base in Perth is not as small as we think.
In reality we could probably compose a large scale event.
This time around we should probably keep it small and to ourselves.
If any luck, word of mouth will arouse the attention of others, and if we thought it worth the time to repeat the project, we could probably turn it into a large scale event.
And perhaps, even if the mouths were turned to the ground, we could find a more effective communicative medium?
….But do we want it on a larger scale, or would it all but leave our hands?
Anyway, for now, in early ages, simplicity is the key. . .