Jul 26, 2005 22:56
Things I want to write about in my blog:
More on different responses to workshops & my own workshop aversion.
A Jenny Browne poem with a discussion of why I like this poem & how the poem can somewhat demonstrate my problem with workshops.
A post on Ted Berrigan.
A post on Gerard Manley Hopkins.
On the question of if a poet has to learn meter/rhyme/forms etc. before they can be any good at free verse (you know, the old Sylvia Plath example-- how people say she had to do all that working out in rhyme & meter before she could know enough to work in free verse) .
On why most people don't read or care to read poetry.
I love my blog. I just have to make myself sit on posts for a few days before I release them. Just like with poems, only changes days to months.
I've posted so many times today, ya'll are probably sick of me.