it's been a good week, i think. i've been super busy and pretty satisfied. of course there are those long drives on the 101 that are plagued with neuroses, but i get through. just turn that over played under written song a lil bit louder and my minds worries cease to exist. my lovely red phone that i got in the mail, that i fell in love with and wrote a thousand sonnets for has died. and now, once again, i am without a phone. of course, i have to go through sprint pcs insurance again. and they have to send every fucking thing by MAIL. bastards. with "convenient" sprint pcs locations around everywhere why can't i go and pick a phone up? i tried to get a solid answer out of the sprint pcs representative in woodland hills this morning, and well it was, either above her head or beyond her realm of concern. i might as well be talking to a voice service, but oh wait that may save some time and/or gas of mine, and WHY OH WHY would any company getting MY business want to do that? i'm pissed. i need my fucking phone. i don't need no shit about it. damn hos.
lesskelter may explode without warningM