How much is that doggie in the window...

Apr 27, 2008 00:30

WOOF WOOF! Hahahah. I was just looking through my Photobucket account, and there were some pics of my dog on there, so I decided to just post them up on my LJ for fun. :D

^ I waited a really long time to wait for his ears to stick up like that...LOL! And that's his fake "innocent" look. He's good at that.

^ He squeezed past me one evening when I came home (nobody else was around) and just refused to go back outside. I had to feed a piece of white bread to get him out. We don't let him come in most of the time because his fur is shedding quite a bit...

^ He likes sleeping that way sometimes. I think his tummy gets warm, so he flips over to lie on his back. :P He has a lot of other funny/weird sleeping positions, if I may add. LOL.

^ It's really difficult to get him to look straight at the camera sometimes. It's like he's out to annoy me, I'd be trying to snap a pic of him, and he just can't stay still long enough for me to take the photo. Hmph.

Cute little thing, right? WRONG. He's like the devil incarnate sometimes, I swear. You'll see why...

He's a German Shepherd-Terrier mix. I'm not sure, but he could be part-Norwich Terrier, because of the similar look. I know, I know. WTF, right? Hahaha. People always get the WTF-look when I tell them about my dog's "heritage". But yeah, it's definitely an odd combination of breeds... Don't ask me how it happened, I have no freakin' idea.

We adopted him when he was about 3 years old (at least that's what the vet said), and we've had him for about 10 years now, I think. So right now he's 13 years old, although he's so tiny he could pass for a puppy. LMAO. People mistake him for a puppy all the time, the poor thing. And he has a bit of an inferiority complex because of his small size. He can't stand to see larger dogs such as Golden Retrievers, he gets a bit aggressive around them, which is dumb because those dogs are like twice his size. Yeah, my dog isn't very smart at times.

We found him wandering around the carpark under our building, it seems that his previous owner abandoned him... We still don't know where exactly he came from, haha. So then my cousin started feeding him like once a day, then he (my dog) started following my cousin around whenever he was downstairs, so after a while we decided to take him home. ^^

He can be quite a nightmare sometimes, big part of the reason is because of his "pedigree". German Shepherds, as you know, are naturally kinda aggressive and very alert. (There's a reason why they are used as police dogs, yeah.) So he starts growling and barking at the slightest things...even at noises coming from downstairs, which is totally outside of his "juridisction" - i.e. our apartment. LMAO. Like the chatter of children, grass-cutters, stuff like that. And because he's part-Terrier, he's quite yappy as well.

Another reason is because of his appetite. OMFG, he is literally a goddamn GLUTTON. I swear, that dog can eat 24/7 and not feel full. SERIOUSLY, I kid you not. I don't know where all the food goes, considering that he's pretty tiny for an adult dog. (He does have a bit of a paunch. Haha.) He starts begging for food before 7 A.M in the morning, and it continues throughout the day. He gets very jealous when we eat, and he doesn't get a share. He starts whining/yowling/barking and scratching at the child-proof gate we installed at the front door (because my balcony is at the front of the apartment) to keep him out of the house. It's not so bad if we eat in the dining area, where he can't see us. It's MUCH worse if I eat in the living room, in front of the TV, in full view of him. Then he goes absolutely insane. He just won't shut up, until you give him something to eat.

And can you believe it? One of his favorites is plain, white bread. LOL! We'd usually break it into pieces and feed it to him, and he'd just lap them up as if he hasn't eaten in a week. He does not like the canned dog food, for some reason. He also LOVES chocolate. I know, chocolates are bad for dogs, they can die...but if that's the case, then my dog would've died several times over. Seriously, he can smell it if I'm eating chocolate, and he'll start demanding that I share.

(Yeah, I have a batshit-insane dog who doesn't like dog food, and loves human chocolate.)

And occasionally, on quiet nights or during evenings when it's just myself at home, he'll start howling - like the wolves that howl at the moon. It's kinda creepy the first couple of times he did it, but now it's just kinda annoying. LOL.

The most annoying thing is that, he acts like a human child sometimes. He ignores you if you neglect him - like forgetting to take him for a walk and stuff - ridiculous, right? And he bullies me. Sometimes it's like he hates me, growling at me if I don't give him what he wants (FOOD!). But when there's no one else around, I'm suddenly his favorite person. He won't leave my side, LOL. And he is so freakin' stubborn, sometimes he'd just park his butt at the doorway and refuse to budge. Which can be a problem, since we need to get out the front door to leave the house! Hahahaha.

And you know how if you say "Come here, boy!" and your dog would immediately run over? Well, my dog doesn't work that way. He expects you to come to HIM. I'd be calling him to come over, and he'll just sit in his corner and stare at me like I'm crazy. It's always after I've lost patience and given up, that's when he'll slowly sashay over, like he's doing me a favor.

There's a million over funny things I could tell you about my dog, but then this post is getting a little long. :P

Oh, yeah, one last thing: he doesn't have a proper name. I know, it's strange, but we were just never able to decide on a name; every name we came up with just seemed odd. But officially (like on vet's records) he's known as Nicky, I don't know why, my grandmother or mother came up with it. LOL. I'd usually just utter some gibberish nickname my cousins gave him a long time ago. It doesn't matter actually, he'd respond as long as he knows it's directed at him. I know, because I've experimented before. I tried calling him "Pikachu" (from Pokemon) once, and he turned to look at me! Same goes with "piggy" and other stuff like that. So, yeah. There isn't really a point in giving him a proper name since he responds to anything.

My dog is weird.

babble, my dog is insane

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