Thoughts on CSI: NY #4.11 - Child's Play

Dec 19, 2007 23:27

First off - What? No new CSI: NY episode this week? *mumble grumble* Will the WGA and the Hollywood bigwigs just come to an agreement already, so that the writers and actors can go back to work?

Now, I bring you my watch-as-I-comment thoughts about last week's CSI: NY episode, "Child's Play", as inspired by Faylinn of TalkCSI's style of commenting. Hee!

* That guy should walk in a more obnoxious swagger. [/lame]

* Isn't there a "No Smoking" law in the bars and clubs of New York City? Yet people are puffing away on cigars. Hmmm... This reminds me of an Aaron Stanford interview (during promos for the X-Men movies) where the interviewer asked what he would do with Pyro's powers. Stanford said that he'd pick a night, and repeal the "No Smoking" law in all the bars of NYC. Hahaha. Oh, how I love you so, Stanford.

* The girl he offered to buy a drink for isn't that hot to me. Hahaha. I guess beauty is subjective. I gloated a little when she screamed after she found a thingy in her drink.

* Aaand... BOOM! Should I be concerned that the gore on the show isn't bothering me that much?

* Heh, Flack's fugly tie kind of matches his shirt in this scene... Was the wardrobe person who is responsible for Lindsay's outfit on strike too? Why give her that purple grandma sweater?

* When is TPTB going to add AJ Buckley to the opening credits? Do it already, pls!

* We finally get to see the hallway of Danny's apartment. Is that ridiculous pool table still in there? Sleepy!Danny is hot. Hehehe. Rikki: "He's been up since 5.30." / Danny: "I went to bed at 5.30." What were you doing, hmm? Oooh, Rikki's quite pretty, actually.

* Blessing of the bikes...cute! The red-headed kid beside Danny just yawned. Hahaha. I wonder what time this was filmed. I'm pretty sure the kid wasn't acting. Wow, the priest had to say "This bike is blessed..." over and over again to each and every kid...

* And here we go... Danny: "Ruben, go straight home, right now!" There was nothing wrong in that, but he should have called Rikki to make sure that Ruben got home safely... *cough*plothole*cough*

* What's this song playing during the Sid autopsy/Lindsay processing montage? Cool song... I saw Sid scratching all over and I kinda knew already that it was itchy powder.

* Let's pause for a moment to enjoy the view of Flack in Kevlar. Mmm, YUMMY! Great ad-lib by Eddie with the handcuff thing. What a natural.

* I say this every episode, but I really, really love Melina's hair. She is so pretty. ^^ My grandma thinks so too.

* Stella: "The long-sleeved lab coat. Both stylish and functional." Heehee! Sid's hair! Lindsay's "No way!" sounded a little weird...

* Oh dear, that nice-looking face is all cut up. That is so wrong. I like how the guy flinched when Hawkes swabbed the gash on his cheek. Ouch, that's a deep cut.

* Whoa, touch-screen LCD monitor. How high tech.

* Osteo-what? Haha, even Danny agrees with me... "This Osteo...uh, thing..." Hahaha. I love it when you say "Boom", Danny.

* Wait a sec, I need to grab a tissue...*sniffle sniffle*

* Hehe, he blew Lindsay off. No way will I believe that they're dating as of this season. *BS*

* Again, the grandma purple sweater is so unflattering on Anna.

* Mac: "Just tell him you're not very good at this kinda thing." Wow, Mac. That's...really sound advice. LOL.

* Can the citric acid really still be detected after it's been covered in Ruben's blood?

* Why did nobody notify Rikki about Ruben before Danny talked to her? *cough*anotherplothole*cough*

* Danny: "I can't tell you that he's okay." Oh, Danny... *tears up* Emmy voters, this is PROOF of why Carmine deserves an Emmy for Supporting Actor, you hear me?

* Flack: "How about those X-ray specs I bought in middle school to see through a girl's clothes? The only thing I ever saw through those was a nun coming at me with a yard stick." / Stella: "I bought sea monkeys!" Hahahahahahaha. Can you just imagine Little!Flack running the hell away from an angry nun? How cute. You've been a very bad boy, Donnie!

* I love Stella's reaction when she was surprised by Laughing Larry. Hehe. "Well, don't you look spiffy, do you mind if I take your picture?" Uh-oh. Do not mess with Flack's fugly tie, Laughing Larry. Eddie's "hehehehe" was so cute! I hate that they didn't get a shot of his face when he did that.

* The shirt really brings out the color of Eddie's eyes. *ogles*

* "I don't know the Internet from intercourse." Hahahaha!

* "It's part of my schtick! What?" / "How 'bout I schtick you in lockup?" Again, why didn't they have a shot of Flack as he said "schtick"? That's the money shot, man!

* "He was medium-built, light hair, about your age...only a lot better looking." Flack's face said it all - "You kidding me?" I think Laughing Larry was just pissed that Flack didn't appreciate his schtick.

* Flack in jeans! Ahhh! Was it casual Friday? Haha.

* Hey, isn't that the tech guy from Numb3rs? He's kinda cute, but in this episode he looked really dodgy. Haha.

* Oooh, Flack's ass in jeans! Beautiful. Oh, so that's the stuntman-made-me-look-like-a-ninja scene, eh?

* Super!Flack: "Stop, drop and roll, you sonofabitch." Oh...what I wouldn't give to have Flack's face that close to mine...

* Hi, Mr. Ross! I love it when Adam gets all twitchy and nervous. How adorable. "How often are you wrong?"

* Eyeball tattooing? WTF? Is it real? LOL. I agree with Mac: "Somewhere in this conversation you're gonna start making sense." Why would people wanna do that anyway?

* Oooh, Adam you have a tattoo? Where? I wanna see! Heehee.

* Eee! Needles in the eye freak me out. The tattoo artist was totally flirting with Hawkes, hehe.

* The bodega robber, Ollie, is kinda cute. Found a picture of him on IMDb - his name's Al Santo. Pic is here: Al Santos pic

SHIT. I pressed something on the keyboard and my whole post disappeared, I HAD ALREADY FINISHED IT!!! I managed to restore the autosaved draft, but it ended at this point, so I'm going to have to start over with the remaining parts... *headdesk*

* "On the Job" deja vu! "Did you see him fire his gun?" / "I never said he did. I heard a gunshot..." Danny sounded a little defensive there.

* This GSR-testing thing is a little iffy to me sometimes. I don't think it's a really accurate way to determine if someone fired a gun or not. I mean, what if they washed their hands after the fact? The GSR would be gone, right? Well, unless the person happened to be the type who doesn't wash their hands after going to the toilet and stuff, otherwise a normal person would've washed their hands at least once a day. Right?

* Oooh, there's the high tech touch-screen LCD monitor again. I think half of CSI: NY's production budget must've gone into purchasing these things...

* Cool shot of the reconstruction figure on the monitor transitioning into Ruben's face. Did I make sense?

* Oookay... Hawkes finds a void in the shape of a gun under the counter. So, where is the gun? They never did explain what Lucy Scott did with the gun. *cough*yetanotherplothole*cough*

* Yes! You show her, Mac! It's kind of like in "Here's to You, Mrs. Azrael" when he told the mother that she'd killed her own biological daughter, IMO. Too bad the woman who played Lucy Scott is kind of a shitty actress who couldn't cry properly.

* Excuse me while I grab another tissue before watching Ruben's last moments... *sniffle* I like how his death is implied instead of it being shown to us.

* $100 apiece for a cigar? That's...extravagant.

* The guy that Laughing Larry picked out of the line once appeared in a S2 Criminal Minds eppy, "A Perfect Storm". He was one-half of a psychotic husband-wife team who tortured and killed young girls before dumping their bodies like trash. At first, the BAU team thought that he was the dominant personality, but it turned that he was in fact the submissive, and the wife was the dominant one who did all the torturing and killing. The wife was played by Nikki Aycox, who played Meg in Supernatural.

* So, is Sam supposed to be a boy or girl? He/she looked like a girl in the flashbacks with the long hair... *scratches head* and the guy never said a word of Sam being a "he" or a "she", at least not when I was listening to the dialogue.

* Looks like Laughing Larry won't be laughing for a long while... He did a great job with his shocked expression.

* I thought that the spoilers said Danny and Rikki were gonna hold hands in the church? Either way, I kind of prefer this version of the scene, it's much more effective, I feel. And it made more sense too, since Rikki pushed him away earlier, it's only logical that Danny would be hesitant about touching her.

So, was Danny responsible? Well, I felt that he was responsible for Ruben's safety, and he really should have made sure that Ruben was okay. I do not think that he was wrong for staying at the scene of the robbery, seeing as how he didn't know Ruben had been shot, and that there was a victim that needed medical attention at that point. However, he had the next few hours to go and call Rikki to ask if Ruben had gotten safely. Or he could've gone looking for Ruben after the cops arrived to secure the scene. But I kind of blame this on the gaping plot holes and wonky editing of the episode. Maybe the writers were already in pre-strike mode when they wrote this episode and totally rushed through the writing.

Which is why the strike needs to end - now.

Basically, there's a lot of "what if" scenarios here, about what Danny could've or would've done. I'm sure he'll be asking himself all those "what if" questions for a while. I wonder if he will have a meltdown in #4.13 (whenever we get to see that, which I hope is soon)? I'm sure Carmine will turn in a fantastic performance again, like he always has. And again, he needs to get an Emmy already. He deserves it so much.

Phew. That took quite a bit of work. *has newfound respect for Fay for doing this with every episode*

I saw an S4 episode of NCIS last night - "Dead Man Walking". Great episode.

Ziva develops feelings for a Navy Lt. (played by Matthew Marsden) who was being poisoned with Thalium. He walked into NCIS to report his own murder to Gibbs, who assigned Ziva to stay with him at the hospital. It turns out that Ziva and the Lt. run past each other every morning when they're running, and they start to connect with each other. At the end of the episode, they talk in the garden at the hospital while holding hands. The Lt. asks Ziva if she would've missed him (after he died) if he stopped showing up at their running route. And he says that he's sorry he never got run with her, because their routes were in the opposite direction. In a later episode, it was revealed that the Navy Lt. did not survive. *sniffle*

It was nice to see the softer side of Ziva, who is usually in full Mossad-warrior mode. Super!Ziva is still cool, though. I like that Ziva doesn't give a hoot about DiNozzo's charms. Hehe.

On a more humorous note, McGee wore his new $2,000 Armani jacket to work, but when he was escorting the Navy Lt. into the NCIS office, he got sick and coughed on McGee. LOL. At first they suspected radiation poisoning so they had to take McGee's clothes to test for any contamination. Abby had to cut off a section of the arm on the jacket because the Lt. had touched it there. Poor McGee!
Oooh. My Gmail notifier thingy just alerted to a new e-mail sent to me by my dear old professor from OCU. Dr. M, I love you, just so you know. You are the coolest old guy I know. A little nutty, but still cool. I look forward to seeing him in Singapore in February. WOOT!

child's play, babble, ziva david, lindsay monroe, csi: ny, tim mcgee, don flack, sid hammerback, adam ross, danny messer, ncis

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