Ok, now I just feel like blabbering on about random crap that gets all up in my mind somehow. Do you realize that if you were to know everything about yourself, you would also know the meaning of life, which is far out. Damn school to hell, did you know it's original intended purpose was to Americanize children? Well, I won't be molded, I prefer to figure things out for myself.
Is heaven all the same for everyone? If so, it probably would not be eternal bliss, as people enjoy very different things. Did you know that I'm angostic? Did you know what agnostic means? It means, for me at least, that as far as religion goes, we just plain don't really know, and we won't ever be sure. Even if God appeared, how do you know it isn't a being made to imitate God? Or maybe everthing is not real. We just don't know. Being agnostic: it's not a religion, it's not atheism, its juuuuust right. And that's the last time I'll ever talk about my religious beliefs.
I don't like to proofread, yet I do it all the time. Why is that? Oh my God, there are spider webs all over my room. Don't I move around enough? That reminds me, I had a dream that my house was infested with bugs of all sizes. On the subject of dreams, on the day of the tsunami, I had a dream that the world was destroyed, first the world was shaken by a meteor, then all life was exstinguished by a wave of death. On a completely different note, this is the result of a what final fantasy class are you quiz I took.
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy X (yeah, I put down silent hill for some time)