Jun 19, 2007 16:57
It's been pointed out to me by a couple of people (you know who you are) that I never update, even when I've got major things happening in my life.
The big news is that I have now left London. This is a huge change -- London's been my city for many, many years now and in many ways it still feels like "mine". I moved about six months ago but I find myself a bit reluctant to talk too much about where I am now. London is a big anonymous place, but the combination of my new location and a rough idea of my job would probably be enough to make my real world identity obvious, or at least easily tracked down. I've always seen this mainly as a fandom and writing journal, even when I haven't been using it much, and I'm a bit reluctant to change that.
So suffice it to say that my new city is smaller and greener than my old one, and I'm starting to build a good life here and to enjoy it very much. I've recently found a permanent home, which makes a huge difference and one day soon I won't even be surrounded by removals boxes
To add a fannish note, wasn't that last episode of Doctor Who's fantastic? Objectively, Blink is still probably the better episode and I loved it too, but I can't believe we get a three-part series finale with [ spoiler] and [ spoiler] and [ spoiler].
As I haven't been posting as the episodes come out, a brief summary of my relationship with the last couple of years of Who -- Loved Nine and that season almost in its entirety. Had a much shakier time with the second season (although I thought that Mickey's story arc was wonderful) but from having been somewhat disillusioned I'm falling deeply and wholeheartedly into fannish love again with the second half of the current season.
I'd love to post in further depth with proper episode reviews and reasons for all my love and hate, but realistically that's not going to happen. Suffice it to say that anyone who's not seen them yet seriously needs to track down at least the Christopher Ecclestone DVDs.