“We’re calling this one deep time, and not just because it’s our fiftieth issue. We have tree ferns and giant dragonflies, carboniferous in a carboy, cheerful gentlemen with a bone-bead bracelet, a mother who won’t let them take her son away, a monster chosen, and a last organic. Our poets give us a ninth wave and a kingless kingdom, a bone-built world and a world of silence, a bagel shop to the multiverse, fissure-filling ivy, and a memory of trees.”
The Fernery, by Mat Joiner
Ivy (poem), by Adrienne J. Odasso
The World That Is Silence (poem), by Alexandra Seidel
The Society of Cheerful Gentlemen, by Patricia Russo
Blót (poem), by Gemma Files
The Bone-Built World (poem), by Dominik Parisien
The Watching, by Jacob Ian DeCoursey
The Bagel Shop Across the Street (poem), by David C. Kopaska-Merkel and Kendall Evans
Interventions, by Clancy Flynn
Nash at Wittenham (poem), by Mat Joiner
And Black Unfathomable Lakes, by Sonya Taaffe
The Hundred Under the Sea (poem), by Jeannelle D’Isa
Art: John Stanton
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